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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Utillajes Hermanos Álvarez: “Para hacer trabajos especiales necesitamos máquinas especiales”

The Madrilenian company incorporates a centre of mechanised Matsuura MX-850 of five axles

Toolings Brothers Álvarez: “To do special works need special machines”

David Muñoz24/02/2014

Recently, Toolings Brothers Álvarez has purchased to Maquinser, distributor for Spain and Portugal of the Japanese mark Matsuura, a centre of mechanised MX-850 of five axles. We attend to the installations that this company has in the Madrilenian place of Saint Fernando of Henares to know at first hand the advantages that have appreciated in this machine and in which type of applications have foreseen to use it.

The origins of Toolings Brothers Álvarez trace back to does more than 60 years, when the grandfather of the current manager of the company, Alfonso Álvarez Carbonell, founded a small factory of models of smelting. The company was evolving until the children of the founder, the brothers Álvarez (from here comes the name of the society), decided to enter also in the sector of the tooling. But it did not go until the decade of the 90 when the company took his greater impulse, had to especially to a firm bet by the mechanisation and by the will to specialise in the mechanised of pieces of high technical complexity. Today, in hands already of the third generation of the family, Toolings Brothers Álvarez, has consolidated like one of the big referents in Spain in the mechanised of high precision.

Of left to right: Santiago Ranera, director of Production of Or.H. Álvarez, and Alfonso Álvarez, director manager of Or.H. Álvarez...

Of left to right: Santiago Ranera, director of Production of Or.H. Álvarez, and Alfonso Álvarez, director manager of Or.H. Álvarez.

As it explains us Alfonso Álvarez, the main sectors of activity for which the company develops at present his pieces are in the Defence, in 60%, and in the Telecommunications. For example, for the strategic sector of the Defence has developed all type of pieces, in his elder splits related with the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, from chassis for thermal sensors cameras until components for trucks of fight or for the Eurofighter. It works mostly with aluminium, although it is true that also has realizar projects of mechanised with other materials, included the titanium.

“If we had to define which is the specialisation of Toolings Brothers Álvarez I would say that it is the manufacture of pieces with a high technical complexity”, indicates us the manager of the company. In this sense and as it adds the director of Production, Santiago Ranera, Toolings Brothers Álvarez can consider the ‘D' of the departments of R&D of a lot of skilled companies in  high technology, collaborating with them in the development of, among others products, prototypes and pre-series under plane.

Obviously, the requirements of the customers to the hour to develop this type of pieces have evolved to “steps enlarged”, as it recognises Alfonso Álvarez, what has demanded to Toolings Brothers Álvarez a permanent modernisation of his park of machinery and a constant update of his technical knowledges.

External sight of the installations of Or.H. Álvarez in Saint Fernando of Henares (Madrid)

External sight of the installations of Or.H. Álvarez in Saint Fernando of Henares (Madrid).

This greater complexity of the pieces has gone in parallel to the level of technological sophistication of the machines that the they do possible. “The machines have reached such technological degree that we can say that the limit in the development of new pieces is in the own imagination of the customer”, affirms Santiago Ranera.

In this big technological step also has been decisive the change that has produced in the phase of design, happening the engineers to work practically with a pantograph and a paper, to do it with advanced programs of computer design, which speed up the times and allow to contrive products until does no long, unthinkable. “Two key appearances to be able to develop pieces so complex are: have a good strategy of work and have a good tooling”, indicates Alfonso Álvarez.

A park of machinery modernizado

Toolings Brothers Álvarez explains in his installations of Saint Fernando of Henares (Madrid) with more than 20 machining centres, of different dimensions. In his big majority are horizontal and of four axles, although it also has several units of three and of five axles. It complements this equipment with a lathe with numerical control, especially for the development of tooling to internal level, and with other equipment, as for example, machines of penetration and of thread for difficult works to realizar by means of start of shaving.

Muestrario With some of the pieces created by Or.H. Álvarez

Muestrario With some of the pieces created by Or.H. Álvarez.

The last incorporation to the park of machinery of Toolings Brothers Álvarez is a centre of mechanised of five axles MX-850 of Matsuura, signature represented in Spain and Portugal by Maquinser. Installed in January of 2014, the balance of these first weeks of work can not be more positive: “we Are really happy with this incorporation, and no only by the machine in himself. The service that is giving us Maquinser, from the first moment, is exceptional”, indicates Santiago Ranera.

Toolings Brothers Álvarez knows the mark Matsuura from does years. In fact, still it explains in his installations with a centre of mechanised of the Japanese manufacturer of the year 1991. “It is a mark that always has liked us, know perfectly the quality of his machines. To do special works need special machines and in this line know that Matsuura is a leading mark in the market”, signals Alfonso Álvarez.

After knowing his existence through catalogue, Toolings Brothers Álvarez darse really of the possibilities of this new centre of mechanised when seeing it in the last edition of the fair MetalMadrid.”By a lot of that see them in catalogues, the machines, like the trucks, it is necessary to hear them”, says the director of Production. A personalised demonstration by part of Maquinser decanted finally the operation.

But, which are the main advantages that contributes this new centre of mechanised to Toolings Brothers Álvarez? As it indicates us his manager, “this model has convinced us, especially, by his big versatility. Voucher, as I am used to to say, for a broken and for a descosido. It attracted us his amplitude, his simplicity of design, the accessibility that offers to all the zones… Allows to mechanise from the smallest pieces until pieces of 900 mm of diameter. And all this with no interferences”.

Unlike the others two machining centres of five axles with which explains the company, this is not paletizado. His mission is not the one to manufacture long series but the one to facilitate works very specific, of only pieces and of big complexity, of a much faster form. “One of the things that has brought this crisis it is that they demand time of delivery increasingly short. It is what we call ‘effect whip', since it does not launch a production until it is not all sold”, signals Santiago Ranera. In this sense, all the providers have to treasure a big agility to be able to supply the pieces in the moment that takes the decision to initiate the production. The centre of mechanised Matsuura is, thus, a perfect ally for all these companies that look for this agility of answer.

Centre of mechanised Matsuura MX-850 incorporated by Or.H. Álvarez
Centre of mechanised Matsuura MX-850 incorporated by Or.H. Álvarez.

Maquinser, distributor of confidence

The relation between Maquinser and Toolings Brothers Álvarez exceeds already the 20 years. “Obviously, inside the sector, does already long that Toolings Brothers Álvarez is a very important reference. I would stand out of her that has been and is a company that is to the avant-garde in technology and that always has bet by the quality. This does them different to the rest of his competitors”, signals Modesto Carry, vice-president of Maquinser, with regard to the Madrilenian company.

In the operation of the centre of mechanised MX-850 of Matsuura the communication between distributor and customer has gone back to be constant and fluent, confirming this like one of the big values of the service offered by Maquinser. Only like this, as it indicates Modesto Carry, can give answer to the true needs of the customer: “In the case of the model MX-850 of Matsuura has opted by the versatility, offering a big capacity of mechanised inside a very compact format, with motors of high speed and high pair. A solution that the market carries suing from does time, ‘the engine for all', and that allows to the customer tackle a much wider rank of mechanised with guarantees”.

Maquinser Always backs the delivery of his machines with a wide fan of services, between which includes , among others, the own installation of the machine and the learning of the technicians of the customer. In the case of Toolings Brothers Álvarez, as it ensures from the company distributor, this last work has been much simpler because of the high knowledge that has this customer of the sector.

From Or.H. Álvarez will follow betting by the quality in his works
From Or.H. Álvarez will follow betting by the quality in his works.
In summary and as it concludes Modesto Carry, “Matsuura already is, by himself same, a special signature, with a philosophy of manufacture that does that his products treasure a very high quality, what does to fit to perfection his machines in those customers that look for a differential factor”. This operation with Toolings Brothers Álvarez has gone back to be a clear example of this.

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Maquinser, S.A.

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