
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Nuevas e innovadoras mangueras de jardín del Original Gardena System

The interior of the hoses of garden Flex Gardena is formed by a layer of base that avoids the propagation of seaweeds

New and innovative hoses of garden of the Original Gardena System

Editorial Interempresas29/01/2014

The quality always is a value. And this affirmation shows absolutely some when it arrives the moment to do us with a hose of garden. Therefore Gardena launches now some hoses of garden of extraordinary quality, moving to this product his contrasted Original concept Gardena System, using material Premium extremely durable, and the new system Power Grip.

Hose Flex Gardena
Hose Flex Gardena.

A system always is more than the sum of his individual components. And however, a system is only so reliable like his feebler component. When the problems arise to consequence of this, the solution generally costs a lot of money and nerves. The lovers of the garden know it and have the experience that it always is more profitable resort to products of quality if they want to can enjoy without sobresaltos of his team of gardening...

The Original Gardena System is a guarantee for solutions of high quality; his concept of connections in which it can connect any element along the installation, safe and easily, without any leakage of water from the start to the end, has been tested million times, and now has expanded to apply to the hoses of garden. Depending on his demands and needs, the lovers of the garden have now the possibility to choose between the models Gardena SuperFLEX, Gardena HighFLEX and Gardena FLEX. The main advantage of the new hoses of garden Gardena is that thanks to the new system Power Grip, the hose and the accessories of irrigation ensure a perfect and resistant connection with the connectors of the Original Gardena System.

New packaging Gardena
New packaging Gardena.

The interior of the hoses of garden Flex Gardena is formed by a layer of base that avoids the propagation of seaweeds. The hose is surrounded by a spiral of reinforcement of carbon that guarantees the indeformabilidad and a high resistance to the pressesure. The second layer composes of a spiral of polyester of high extra density, that does the extremely flexible hose. Torceduras, knots or folds of the hose, therefore, have turned into something of the past. An external cover microestructurada and transparent recubre the hose of garden FLEX Gardena. His effect warns deposits of dirt and avoids brush and rasguños in the surface.

The new hoses of Original garden Gardena System are available in the diameters of 13 mm (1/2”), 15 mm (5/8”) and 19 mm (3/4”). The hoses are instrumented with Power Grip, and the model SuperFLEX bears a maximum pressesure of 35 bar, of 30 bar the HighFLEX and of 25 bar the FLEX. In fulfillment of the contemporary standards, Gardena does not use heavy metals neither ftalatos in his selection of materials and offers a guarantee from among 12 and 30 years, depending of the model.

Besides, Gardena, thinking in the comfort for his customers, has designed a new and innovative packaging, of easy transport, absolutely practical for the implantation in shop, so much to plant of foot, as to hang or for tumbar, and with all type of graphic informations in the facial of the products.

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