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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La internacionalización, una exigencia para crecer en el sector aeronáutico

The internationalisation, a requirement to grow in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector

Vicente Padilla, general director of Aertec Solutions


The aerospace industry and aeroportuaria finds in a state of excellent health. No only it is surpassing the crisis but besides it continues growing of form sustained. The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry is an industry with characteristics very singular. To start with this develops in an absolutely global market. The world-wide market resupplies with only four final manufacturers of commercial aeroplanes, Boeing, Airbus, Embraer and Bombardier. The pieces to manufacture these aeroplanes manufacture in factories delivered by all the world. Besides, the aeroplanes land and despegan every day in cientos of airports whose aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing specifications are identical all over the world. The experience of the passenger in Singapore, Rome or Santiago of Chile, in the interior of the aeroplane or of the room of ship of an airport is tremendously similar. It does not exist a more global market that the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing.

Besides, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry is an industry of long economic cycle. It is an industry that requires big investments, with long series but with cadences of moderate production that do that the returns are not immediate but rather on a long-term basis. The decision to develop a new model of aeroplane, or the expansion of the terminal of passengers of an airport, is a strategic decision, to 10-15-20 years. There is too at stake so that this see affected by some simple general elections.

These two characteristics, world-wide market and of long economic cycle, do that this industry have not seen very affected up to now by the current economic crisis. The fall of the national market, or of the developed countries, sees compensated by the good behaviour of the dynamic economies of the emergent countries. Airbus can not selling aeroplanes in Europe, but the markets of China, Indonesia, India or Brazil keep growing. In Asia and Middle East follow building new airports. The forecasts indicate that the world-wide air transport goes to duplicate the demand of the number of aeroplanes in the next 20 years. They exist few sectors with a so attractor trucks future.

And the best is that in this promising market Spain is a world-wide power of recognised prestige. So much to level of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry like the one of the engineering aeroportuaria. In this context, the internationalisation of the companies of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry is absolutely necessary. No only it is necessary to keep growing but, more important still, that also is necessary for simply survive in the half term. The successes of the past are not guarantee for the future.

Have to all have clear that we have to be presents internationally. It is one of the best roads to grow and the only to survive like industry. In a global sector, the innovation in the products, the presence in the external markets and the diversification of customers, is absolutely necessary to consolidate one of the motors of the development of the Spanish economy.

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