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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Marcado láser: la mejor opción para identificar piezas y componentes (II)

Methods of marked and solutions Rofin Baasel for the marked laser

Marked laser: the best option to identify pieces and components (II)

Editorial Interempresas21/01/2014
The laser is the best option to identify pieces and industrial components. By this reason, Rofin has developed distinct methods of marked (recorded, marked deep or recocido on steel, among others) and diverse solutions in this field to offer it to his customers.

The most usual methods for the marked laser that can realizar with the systems of Rofin are the following:

  • Recorded/marked deep: to create a flexible and durable identification of direct form on the product, that resists to the fake and to the wear. It allows us create three-dimensional structures for moulds of injection.
  • Recocido On steels: it creates one marks laser indeleble through the heat and the oxygen without deleting material of the piece. It uses with all the metals that experience a change of colour when they expose to the heat and to the oxygen.
  • Change of colour: when the marked applies in polymers, produce dark stains (carbonización) or a partial degradation of the colour (creation of microburbujas by the abosorción of the laser).
  • Elimination of surfaces: it consists in the elimination of layers of opaque lacquer deposited on transparent pieces.
Of left to right: marked deep, recocido on steels, change of colour and elimination of surfaces
Of left to right: marked deep, recocido on steels, change of colour and elimination of surfaces.

Rofin Offers products and solutions for all these methods of marked. The distinct sources of laser integrate in three series of stations of work, that resolve from simple tasks until industrial processes of high requirement, like operations 24/7.

  • Series Easy Mark: treats of one of the devices of marked laser more compact of the market. It allows us realizar works of marked on metallic surfaces and plastics realizar without hardly effort and with excellent results.
  • Series Combiline Cube: This station laser serves for all the types of marked, since in her can integrate any source laser, in accordance with the requirements established by the customer.
  • Series Combiline Advanced: The series Combiline Advanced offers total confidence for operations 24/7, thanks to the long experience of Rofin in the manufacture of machines of high range. The station of work ensures the obtaining of marked very precise and allows to handle pieces until 100 kilograms.
Rofin Easy Mark, Rofin Combiline Cube and Rofin combiline Advanced
Rofin Easy Mark, Rofin Combiline Cube and Rofin combiline Advanced.

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