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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El embajador de Bélgica en España visita las instalaciones de Aertec Solutions

The ambassador of Belgium in Spain visits the installations of Aertec Solutions


17 January 2014

The Ambassador of Belgium in Spain, Jan Of Bock, has realizar a visit to the installations of the company of engineering and skilled quality consultancy in aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Aertec Solutions, situated in the Technological Park of Andalucia (PTA).

The Belgian Ambassador has been received by the general director of Aertec Solutions, Vicente Padilla, the one who together with the managers of the team of Design and Planning Aeroportuaria has explained diverse relative appearances to the projects that the multinational malagueña develops in the field of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry, the airports and the air transport from the headquarters of the company in the PTA. In his visit, Jan Of Bock was accompanied by the Consul Honorario of Belgium in Málaga, Claude of Hennin.

The Ambassador of Belgium, Jan Of Bock, converses with the general director of Aertec Solutions, Vicente Padilla
The Ambassador of Belgium, Jan Of Bock, converses with the general director of Aertec Solutions, Vicente Padilla.

In the course of this meeting, the Ambassador of Belgium has interested especially by the projects that Aertec Solutions is developing at present in his country, between which stand out the Plan Director for the Airport of Charleroi (Brussels South), the platform of parking of aircraft of the Airport of Lieja or the designs of the new terminal and the new tower of control of the Airport of Charleroi.

With projects in 16 countries delivered in the 5 continents, Belgium has turned into little time in a stood out geographic reference for the company, where develops his activity in projects aeroportuarios from does almost 2 years.

The internationalisation has been one of the big bets of Aertec Solutions from his starts, until converting today day in a company multinational with own delegations in United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco. The aim of Aertec Solutions in his process of international expansion is to improve even more his lines of business in airports and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry with new projects in the European market and follow promoting the diversification of customers and of services.

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