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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La exportación mantiene en pie a la industria automovilística española

Of the total of vehicles manufactured in 2012, 85% was for export

The export stands up to the Spanish car industry

Esther Güell02/01/2014

The dynamism of the sector of the automotive sector does patent to the hour to analyse the objective data of the same. It closed 2012 with shrinking regarding turnover, export —although it continues being the float of this industry—, import, manufacture of components…but began 2013 tracing back even a position in the ránking world-wide of producers of vehicles. Like this then , with the data in the hand, seem to be that in 2012 stopped for backwards to take impulse in 2013.

Spain: the industry of equipment and components for automotive sector, 2012. General data
Spain: the industry of equipment and components for automotive sector, 2012. General data.

The industrial car Spanish is perhaps a role model by other sectors regarding capacity to generate employment, attract investment or the development of technology. These factors explain his 2ª position like manufacturer of vehicles of Europe and the 11ª in the world-wide field. Likewise, it supposes until 10% of the GDP and gives employment to 9% of the labour supply. In 2012 they manufactured 1,98 million vehicles in Spain, of which exported more than 85%. And specifically the sector of equipment and components of automotive sector, according to the data contributed by Sernauto, invoiceed more than 27.000 million euros in 2012 of which, more than 65% allocated to the export. However, it fits to stand out that this turnover registered a fall of 7,1% with regard to 2011. Again, the export —that only reduced in 3,8% reaching the 17.907,78 million euros— was the float that contained this general descent. Regarding the national supply to the constructors of vehicles, this reached the 5.448,19 millions, what supposed 15,8% less, and the one of spare parts went down 8,1%, with 4.085,69 millions. Also the imports in the spare parts reduced 9%, until the 21.368,15 millions. And in the national market, 19.316,12 million euros proceeded of the manufacturers of vehicles (being 8,7% less than in 2011), whereas the market of spare parts reduced in 8,3%, until the 5.634 million euros.

Allocated 1.536,7 million euros to investments, corresponding to 5,6% of the turnover of the companies of the sector, whereas the investment in R&D supposed 2,9% of the figure of business, 796 million euros, including the international.

Regarding the employment in 2012, this retreated slightly (-3,1%), with 185.046 workers, although in the figures of 2013 foresees a recovery.

Spain: the industry of equipment and components for automotive sector, 2012. National market
Spain: the industry of equipment and components for automotive sector, 2012. National market.

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Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Equipos y Componentes de Automoción

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