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RFID For the maximum efficiency

Increase of the productivity and reliable processes

Editorial Interempresas19/12/2013

In the field of the intralogística, the efficiency is the most important priority. The products have to distribute of fast and reliable form and send to his planned destination without any error of allocation. The new generation of cabezales of reading/writing UHF F190 of Pepperl Fuchs expands the horizon to a sea of opportunities for the sector of the logistics and the car industry.

The F190 compact impresseses by his interval of normal reading of 0,2 to 1,5 metres. With his solid technology, can use in a wide range of applications and resists the environingingmental conditions more adverse. Besides, due to the fact that the F190 is compatible with the whole family of products IDENTControl, the integration of UHF in his processes results simpler.

Reading of multiple labels for a greater efficiency

Can detect at the same time several products of a container using the reading of multiple labels. This reduces the complexity and the time of processing simultaneously.

The labels UHF, especially profitable, add directly to the products. When these go in in the field of reading of the F190, the information of the label transmits to the cabezal of reading and to the interface IDENTControl. Whereas before the data of each label transmitted of individual form, the F190 transmits the data in packages. This allows that it transmit the information of until 40 labels to the cabezal in an only step.

The cabezal of reading/writing F190 allows to read labels simultaneously in packages...
The cabezal of reading/writing F190 allows to read labels simultaneously in packages, what reduces overloads it of communication and increases the efficiency.

Interval of selective reading to improve the hygiene of the processes

In the car industry, the productivity and the reliability have the maximum priority. A lot of steps of the production realizar simultaneously in spaces very reduced. The interval of selective reading of the F190 can configure easily to delete any influence of other near processes.

The function of writing of the F190 allows him modify the information of the labels for the steps of back production. The cabezal of reading/writing controls the processes of setting of bodyworks of trucks so that they use properly the necessary pieces for the model in question. The multiple labels provide crucial data for the system of control of the production so that the suitable pieces use and mount in each vehicle.

The cabezal of reading/writing F190 receives important data on the model, the colour and the individual components, like seats or wheel rims...
The cabezal of reading/writing F190 receives important data on the model, the colour and the individual components, like seats or wheel rims, through a label in the bodywork of the car. Therefore, the cabezal of reading/writing directs the vehicles to the correct station.

Main characteristics

  • Simultaneous reading of until 40 labels
  • Carcasa compact and resistant for his use in adverse environingingmental conditions
  • Interval of selectable reading by software to improve the hygiene of the processes
  • Easy integration in the systems IDENTControl already existent

Related Companies or Entities

Pepperl + Fuchs, S.A.

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