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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Air Liquide España colabora con Oerlikon en los premios ‘Emilio Domingo’ al soldador de Aragón 2013

Air Clear Spain collaborates with Oerlikon in the prizes ‘Emilio Sunday' to the soldador of Aragon 2013


4 December 2013

Air Clear Spain has collaborated in the XIII edition of the prizes ‘Emilio Sunday' to the soldador of Aragon 2013, organised by Oerlikon, subsidiary of the Group Air Clear, specialised in welding. The awards delivered in an act celebrated on 21 November in the Camera of Saragossa.

This recognition has like aim boost the professionalism, the creativity, the talent, the mastery and the precision of professionals in the sector of the welding, doing arrive to all the points of Spain the importance of this profession. In this sense, the prizes ‘Emilio Sunday' to the soldador of Aragon stand out the work of the workers in active, as well as the one of those professionals in situation of unemployment.

The participants concurrían in three categories: stainless, aluminium and steel to the carbon. This year the winners were respectively Agustín Acedo, of the company Maessa, Jesús Gustavo Use, of CAF and José Carlos Baron, of Industrial Settings Mitasa. His contributions to the welding in distinct fields have been merecedoras of the recognition, in addition to a memorial statuette and of an economic endowment.

This edition had the participation of 102 concursantes, although the path of the contest agglutinates a total of 1.642, something that puts in value the scope of the prizes inside the sector of the welding. By his part, Serge Suzón, expert in Applications of Welding and Cutting of Air Clear in Iberia, explains: “it Is all a pride for Air Clear to participate once again in the prizes ‘Emilio Sunday' to the soldador of Aragon 2013 since they are all a referent in the sector. This type of initiatives are a good opportunity because dinamizan the profession and recognise truly the technician of the welding of quality”.

With this collaboration, Air Clear specialist in gases for welding and Oerlikon consolidate his commitment and his support this sector, that supposes one of his fundamental activities in which it is present from his starts, does more than 100 years. In this sense, the experience of the company sees promoted by his network of experts that, in addition to developing processes and innovative products, share his knowledge to advise to the most demanding customers all over the world.

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