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Fremm And the manufacturers of machinery organise the IX Forum of the Competitiveness of the Industry Metalmecánica


20 November 2013

The Regional Federation of Employers of the Metal of Murcia and the Association of manufacturers of Machinery of the Region of Murcia, Afamur, integral of Fremm, organise the IX Forum of the Competitiveness in the Region of Murcia, centred in giving to know by means of individual presentations the actions of the industries and auxiliary companies in matter of innovation, as well as in favouring the interrelationship between them and the assistants to the event for propiciar the business cooperation.

The day will develop the next 28 November in the Living room of Acts of Fremm, where is foreseen the inauguration to charge of the adviser of Industry, Company and Innovation, José Crossbow. The program receives a conference magistral, to charge of Jesús Manzano, director of the School of Business Innovation, the one who will treat on ‘The innovation like key of the continuous improvement and the competitiveness'.

The Forum will continue with the personal transmission of the experience that in matter of innovation live 11 pertaining companies to associations and guilds of Fremm, linked to the subsector of metalmecánica and auxiliaries. These companies are Efabind SL, Group Solano, Children of Jorge López SL, Industries David SL, Maconse SA, Marcopack SL, Matriruiz SL, Monisol Phytosanitary ware Machinery and Mechanised SL, Tecmufrut SL, Tedymag SL, Special thermal sensors sensors Treatments SL.

The innovations to present by part of these companies are, especially, of technological type, although they also correspond to variations of success in products, services and in business management, with the interest that they serve of example and motivation to the rest of the community. The part expositiva will conclude speaking on the “New service for exporting companies. Management of credit”, with the speakers Bertrand Mahón and Soraya Otero Go out, general director and director respectively in Spain and Portugal of FDI Payment Institution.

The event will finalise with a business meeting between all the assistants, speakers, companies participants and present public, where will favour the exchange of impressesions to boost that they arise contacts, of face to open roads of business collaboration.

The IX Forum is organised with the support of the financial entities Cajamar and Cajamurcia, the School of Business Innovation (EIE), and of FDI Payment Institution.

IX Forum of the Competitiveness of the Industry Metalmecánica
IX Forum of the Competitiveness of the Industry Metalmecánica.

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Federación Regional de Empresarios del Metal de Murcia

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