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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Arturo de Vicente Hurtado, nuevo director de Hélice, Cluster Aeroespacial Andaluz

Arturo of Vicente Stolen, new director of Propeller, Cluster Aerospace Andalusian


13 November 2013

The Board of Trustees of Propeller, Foundation that promotes the Cluster Aerospace Andalusian, approved the nomination of Arturo Of Vicente Stolen like new director of the entity, that represents to the group of the companies of the aerospace sector in Andalucia. Arturo Of Vicente substitutes in the charge to Manuel Cruz Ballesteros, the one who exerted said functions from the year 2008 and leaves the charge by retirement after a long and fruitful career in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector. The relief in the place is effective from 1 November.

Arturo Of Vicente is aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing engineer by the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) and possesses a long and solid professional path in the aerospace sector. Up to now, it occupied the charge of manager of Institutional Relations of the European aerospace consortium EADS in Andalucia, from which has loaned support in the community to all the divisions and units of business of the group. It began his professional career like professor of Mathematics in the National University of Education to Distance (UNED), from which joined in 1982 to the ancient aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Constructions SA (HOUSE), where occupied diverse places of responsibility in the organisation of Quality, between them selegado in Chile between 1985 and 1987, and Deputy director of Quality of the Steering of Production of the Division of Aeroplanes of Military Transport (MTA) until 2002. Likewise, it went boss of the Program Falcon 7X of Dassault during all the stage of development until the delivery of the first unit to the customer, and deputy director of Outsourcing of the Division MTA until 2009.

Between other responsibilities, Of Vicente has been twelve years member of the team of government of the Official School of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Engineers of Spain (COIAE), like vowel of International Subjects, and his representative in the European Council of Aerospace Associations (CEAS) from his creation until 2002. At present it is member of the Economic and Social Council of the city of Seville, and of the Advisory board of the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) of Andalucia.

Arturo of Vicente (right), new director of Propeller Cluster Aerospace Andalusian, accompanied by Manuel Cruz (left) his predecessor in the charge...

Arturo of Vicente (right), new director of Propeller Cluster Aerospace Andalusian, accompanied by Manuel Cruz (left) his predecessor in the charge, and by Juan Pedro Watches (centre), president of Propeller.

Of Vicente faces this new stage at the head of the Cluster Aerospace Andalusian “with a lot of illusion for continuing and increase the support of Propeller to the Andalusian aerospace industry, helping to improve the competitiveness of our companies in the international market”.

According to the last Report of the Aerospace Sector in Andalucia elaborated by Propeller in 2012, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry invoiceed in 2012 in the community a total of 1.858 million euros (6% more than in 2011) and generated almost 500 new employments, until arriving to a total in the sector of 11.290 places of work. It stands out the paper of the Andalusian auxiliary companies, that in 2012 increased 14% the sales, with 736,8 million euros invoiceed, and 3,8% the places of work, until reaching the 8.396 employments.

“The aerospace sector Andalusian has experienced a big growth in the last years, no only in volume of business and employment, but also in productivity, financial capacity, specialisation, internationalisation, investment in R&D, diversification of the wallet of customers and exports”, sustains Of Vicente. “There is a big way advanced, but have to demand us more and look the future with ambition. We have to follow increasing the specialisation in the activities and subsectores of greater value added, improve the levels of productivity and innovation, attain a greater operative dimension, economic and technological, improve the structuring of the chain of supply, continue diversifying customers and markets and expand the activity to new niches of business”, adds.

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Fundación Hélice - Cluster Andalucía Aerospace

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