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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Arranca en España la producción de ‘ultra materiales’
An oven of big dimensions, property of the CSIC, that has been designed to obtain dense materials from dust nanoestructurado that will allow to manufacture mirrors for satellites, transparent windows to the infrared for Aeroplanes and plates for blindajes

It starts in Spain the production of ‘ultra material'

Editorial Interempresas04/11/2013

The president of the Upper Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC), Emilio Lora-Tamayo, the adviser of Economy and Employment of the Principality of Asturias, Graciano Tower, and the rector of the University of Oviedo, Vicente Gotor, have inaugurated in the Asturian place of Llanera a new team of industrial development for the manufacture of materials nanoestructurados multifuncionales, designated ‘ultra material'.

The new infrastructure property of the CSIC is pioneering in the world. It will allow, between other a lot of applications, manufacture components ultraduros for tools of cut, mirrors of satellites, transparent windows to the infrared for systems countermeasure in aeroplanes or plates for blindajes.

“The installation of this team in Asturias supposes an important impulse for the science of nanomaterials in Spain. With this technician expect to reach new borders in the engineering of materials and contribute to his advance”, has stood out the president of the CSIC.

Big oven of sintering

The team inaugurated, that will use for his investigations the scientists of the CSIC, is an oven of sintering of big dimensions: 12 metres of height by 6 metres of width and 5 metres of depth. The process of sintering consists in the application of a thermal sensors treatment to a previously conformed dust for, by means of the union between the adjacent particles of the material, transform it in a dense and resistant product.

The oven has been especially designed to obtain dense materials from dust nanoestructurado by means of the employment of a hybrid technician of sintering by download of plasma and pressesing in hot, known like SPS/HP by his acronyms in English (Spark Plasma Sintering / Hot Presses).

Dense pieces created from dust nanoestructurado
Dense pieces created from dust nanoestructurado.
The new equipment for the manufacture of ultra material is able of sinterizar by means of the technical SPS / HP pieces of until 400 millimetres of diameter with destined complex forms between others, to applications in the aerospace industry, the sector of the automotive sector, the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers and defence.

This team of hybrid sintering SPS/HP constitutes the angular stone of a wider project, the creation of a Unit of Development of Materials Multifuncionales, that allow to evaluate the feasibility of the industrialisation of these new materials nanoestructurados and his integration in products advanced.

The set up of this unit in Asturias is fruit of the public collaboration-deprived between the Centre of Investigation in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (mixed centre of the CSIC, the Principality of Asturias and the University of Oviedo) and the companies FCT Systeme GmbH, Alusin Technology, S.L., Nanoker Research, S.L. And ATSG 98 Instrumentation, S.L.

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