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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El Cluster Hélice y Eoi ponen en marcha una nueva iniciativa formativa

The Cluster Propeller and Eoi set up a new formative initiative


3 October 2013

Juan Pedro Watches, president of the Cluster Propeller, and Francisco Velasco, director of EOI Andalucia...
Juan Pedro Watches, president of the Cluster Propeller, and Francisco Velasco, director of EOI Andalucia, during the signature of the agreement of collaboration.

The Cluster Aerospace Andalusian Propeller and EOI, School of Industrial Organisation, have joined his strengths to develop a new formative initiative that pretends to improve the managerial capacities of the directors and professionals of the aerospace sector Andalusian and continue boosting the competitiveness of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry, especially the one of the auxiliary companies, that represent the majority of the sector in the community.

With the end to increase even more this potential of growth, Propeller and EOI have subscribed an agreement of collaboration for the set up of the Program of Management of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Companies-Aero, a formative course of 120 hours headed to support, advise and form to the professionals of the auxiliary industry in all the works of adaptation to the new needs of the market, improving his managerial capacities and analysing with this the conditions of the new aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing surroundings (sector, competition, new technologies, variations of the demand, etc.). The program, of character essentially practical, accompanies of a special process of tutorización and follow-up with 12 hours of average by student, directed to loan support for the set up of new projects and lines of business.

“With this initiative pretends offer to the professionals a learning that contribute them a global vision of the aerospace industry, and provide them the keys and tools that allow them take his own business decisions, opening them perspectives and offering them a specific learning on technological capacities and industrial operations of future”, explains Juan Pedro Watches, president of the Cluster Propeller.

The program is totally free and will be given by a team of stood out professors and experts linked to the aerospace industry. The picture of contents will divide in three modules, that will centre in the general keys of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing business to global level (the market, the agreements, the alliances, the programs, the tendencies of future, the chain of supply, the R&D, and the available helps), the area of industrial operations (steering of operations, systems of production, planning, management Read, quality and management of risk, investments and financial analysis), and finally, the capacities and technological sectors, incidiendo especially in the technologies with potential elder of future (UAV's, automation, simulation, etc.).

The course is headed to the SMEs of the aerospace sector interested in consolidating his feasibility to half and long term, but also to all those companies and emprendedores of other sectors interested in diversifying or enter in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing business. Of this way, pretends promote, from the learning, some of the lines of work that have allowed to the Andalusian auxiliary industry grow in the last decade, like the diversification of products and services, the wallet of customers and market, the investment in R&D or the sales to the outside.

The action is cofinanciada by the Social Bottom European, the Ministry of Industry, Power and Tourism and the Cluster Propeller and will develop of 31 October 2013 to 7 March 2014, in the installations of the Centre of Companies of Aerópolis, the Aerospace Technological Park of Andalucia. The companies and professional interested can obtain more information on the registration through EOI.

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Fundación Hélice - Cluster Andalucía Aerospace

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