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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Sector aeronáutico, mecanizado y formación
A strategic industry for Spain for its activity in the development of products with high added value

Sector Aeronautics, machining and forming

Cristóbal González Marín, head of the Department of manufacturing mechanical, Professor of vocational training initial cycle of average degree of machining at the Institute of education secondary Caura of Coria del Río (Seville)


At the time of Spanish companies outsource, the major aeronautical firms require specialization, design, as well as manufacturing and production standards of quality, reliability and precision. In a highly competitive world, today is more necessary than ever the formation, especially if technology is rapidly changing. Initial vocational training that facilitates lifelong further training is essential for this.

The aeronautical industry is a strategic industry for Spain for its activity in the development of products with high added value and employment highly qualified in machining, in both enterprises first-tier subcontractors - able to enter the global market and therefore attract workload of any place in the world, as the restless competitiveness of the auxiliary industry.

Situation of the aerospace sector in Spain

Before going into details, it is important to highlight the economic situation worldwide and mostly contributed by the Secretary general of the space agency and European Defense (ASD) on the ethics of Business Committee of ASD, in his article 'Direct to the heart of Europe'. He had already achieved much in recent years with the implementation of the common standards in the industry to provide a set of rules of ethical conduct and corporate integrity and are recognized by international organizations like NATO, the World Bank and the OECD. Another example is the international forum of business conduct ethics (IFBEC) where, together with our American colleagues on Aerospace Industries Association, who have created a platform to coordinate and promote the global principles, describing how companies behave ethically towards their customers, suppliers, competitors, employees and other stakeholders.

Increasing progress in the aeronautical sector in Spain, and the situation is very positive if all contribute to promote our industry in general and the machining in particular. Influencing the clusters, aerospace technology, defence, security and space.

Is it predicts a decade's increase in production in the aeronautical industry, and our teaching in initial vocational training is to continue to transmit to our students the knowledge that the industry requires.

Challenges and opportunities for subcontractors

Following the previous line, ethics and business integrity are two essential components in companies wishing to participate in this sector so dynamic and globalized as it is machining. Subcontractors are the backbone of the industry and, therefore, must adapt to the changes in design, products and processes in the machining being performed. All this change is achieved if we promote once and for all the initial professional training by administrations, clients, companies, schools and society in general.

The evolution of machining aeronautical

We are part of the evolution of machining in the aeronautical sector. Our alumni formed in conventional machine in its day and today in CNC, CAD, CAM, CAE, today they are professionals who continue machining on machines of a very diverse nature, from conventional to high-speed CNC, special production processes through machines. Specifications of control and quality are increasingly comprehensive resulting in that evolution.

In terms of the difficulties of machining in the aeronautical sector, say that they are tackled with knowledge and expertise of the worker, in our vocational training centers and in collaboration with the companies involved. Other aspects are economic resources in machines and equipment that are necessary.

Greater specialization

Specialization is essential. If there are education and training, there will be production and, therefore, benefit. Administrations must concentrate and updated material and human resources in the current initial vocational training centres following a history of collaboration with companies in its area of influence, enhancing even autonomy (formation à la carte) between the company and school.

The industrial sector of manufacturing in our country has gone unnoticed for a long time. Manufacturing has not been more than a manufacturing technology and the SMEs that were dedicated to this, a set of companies and microenterprises framed within the outsourcing of the metal industry. Today, that is the last water. We are immersed in globalization and the machining has its place.

A plan for vocational training in Europe in the next ten years

The European Commissioner for education, culture, multilingualism and youth Androulla Vassiliou, welcomed the adoption of the statement of Bruges, a set of objectives and concrete measures to increase the quality of vocational training in Europe, making it more attractive, accessible and relevant to the needs of the labour market.

The formation of our companies

Are workers of the coupling machining centers companies sufficiently formed in Spain? The indicators are variable, but never can tell that they are sufficiently trained. The continuous training of workers for its further development and updating, through courses or meetings of the industry should offer in our schools.

Initial vocational training: Family mechanical manufacturing

The teachings of the vocational training of the educational system are arranged in:

  • Specific professional modules of initial professional qualification programs.
  • The vocational training of medium grade (2,000 hours). Machining cycle...
  • The vocational training of top grade (2,000 hours). Production scheduling in manufacturing mechanical cycle...
  • The courses of specialization (with pending publication rules).

How to train students

The current educational system allows to choose the most suitable training option in every situation, to obtain a degree that will facilitate the incorporation into the labor market in the best possible conditions. Vocational training is also in permanent contact with the different economic sectors and respond to their needs, that wins recognition in all countries of the European Union and its degrees are increasingly most popular. This makes training an attractive option, of quality and that fits the needs of each individual for the improvement of his professional career.

Meetings of the machining

Seville hosted on June 6 the Encounters of the machininga meeting point for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprise. Cristóbal González Marín, invited to the Conference, stressed the importance of continue working in enterprises with vocational training centres, thus enabling us to deal with our resources to the changes that are taking place in the industrial sector. Due to the positive reaction, is intended to increase the Trinomial client-company - educational center, to enhance and inform the clientes-empresas, the level of expertise that our students achieve. As head of the Department of manufacturing mechanical, he said companies in the industry to claim a greater involvement with vocational training schools to get a more specialized staff and, in addition, perform r & d projects, providing human and material resources. As a teacher he requested greater cooperation of the companies in the work of forming the future workers resulting in the social benefit.

Cristóbal González Marín
Cristóbal González Marín.

About the author

Cristóbal González Marín is manufacturing mechanical department head and Professor of initial vocational training of course medium machining at the Institute of education secondary Caura of Coria del Río (Seville), where he teaches numerical Control module. In addition. He is speaker of courses related to conventional machining, numerical control machining and design CAD, CAM and CAE.

Comments on article / news piece

02/08/2013 22:34:38
En primer lugar mis más sinceras felicitaciones a Cristóbal compañero de "lucha" y amigo. Es un excelente artículo del cuál destacar en mi opinión la problemática de la formación profesional en España, en concreto en Sevilla. Habría que dar un nuevo enfoque a la formación de los nuevos profesionales del mañana dotando a los centros con mayores medios y más horas de prácticas para los alumnos. Lo cuál lleva a que exista una mayor colaboración entre Administración-Centros de Formación Profesional y Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas facilitando de esta forma el acceso al mercado laboral de los nuevos profesionales. Que por desgracia la pequeña empresa no dispone ni de tiempo ni de recursos humanos suficientes. Como sugerencia le propongo desde aquí a Cristóbal que los empresarios(pequeña y mediana empresa) del sector del mecanizado puedan asistir a los Centros de F.P. para informar con su experiencia y de esta forma puedan ver los alumnos la realidad de la pequeña empresa.
#2 - Jaime Lobato
28/07/2013 20:16:05
Felicidades al autor. Conozco su labor y dedicación con los alumnos, ya que he participado en la formación realizada por sus alumnos en nuestra empresa. No puedo estar mas de acuerdo con él, en que sería muy beneficioso el aumento de las relaciones centro educativo-empresa. No sólo para tener una oferta de alumnos mas adaptados a nuestras necesidades, si no además para colaboración en nuevos proyectos, para los que la empresa no suele disponer ni del tiempo ni los recursos humanos suficientes.
#1 - juan manuel garcia nuñez
27/07/2013 13:12:29
Enhora buena Critobal, estoy totalmente de acuerdo y es muy acertado el articulo que has publicado, pienso que el mecanizado necesita un buen espaldarazo por parte del empresario y por parte de la administracion via formacion profesional.

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