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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El clúster Hélice y Loyola Leadership School colaboran para fomentar la formación de los profesionales de la Industris Auxiliar Aeroespacial Andaluza

The propeller cluster and Loyola Leadership School collaborate to promote the training of professionals of the Andalusian Aerospace auxiliary Industris


on July 22, 2013


The Andalusian propeller aerospace Cluster and Loyola Leadership School, graduate school of the University Loyola Andalusia, have signed a collaboration agreement in order to promote the training of managers and professionals in the Andalusian Aerospace auxiliary industry. The ultimate objective of this agreement is to continue to improve training and managerial capacity of entrepreneurs, managers and professionals from the companies that make up the tissue auxiliary in the aeronautical sector in Andalusia, composed primarily of SMEs and that in 2012 reached a turnover of 736 million euros and a volume of employment of 8.396 workers, after growing by 14% and a nearly 4% respectively in both ratios.

The Convention aims to create a relationship of collaboration between the two organizations, strengthening their ties, joint efforts and establish standards of action aimed to develop activities of common interest in the area of corporate and executive training. The agreement was signed by the director of the Cluster hélice, Manuel Cruz, while on behalf of Loyola Leadership School has been Carlos Villarrubia, Outreach Manager of the institution.

Through this partnership, Loyola Leadership School will make available of the propeller Cluster companies all offer training programs that develop, offering economic conditions preferred for their companies. It will also offer its help in the selection of programs more suitable to the training needs of companies in the Andalusian aerospace sector. Moreover, propeller will be responsible for disseminating and publicizing programs and activities of the graduate school among the auxiliary industry in order to enhance the increase or improvement of the managerial capabilities of the professionals of the sector, and ultimately, to increase their competitiveness. The agreement has a duration of one year, renewable for equal periods by tacit agreement between the two entities.

According to Manuel Cruz, director of the propeller Cluster, "is continue providing tools that will facilitate the education and training of managers and professionals of the Andalusian Aerospace SMEs, opening perspectives and offering them a specific instruction on various managerial and entrepreneurial skills". For Carlos Villarrubia, Outreach Manager of Loyola Leadership School, "this agreement will enhance the competitiveness of the Andalusian business network through formation of high level and academic rigor, which also has as a central axis the development of skills and values".

The agreement provides for other forms of collaboration, such as the Organization of workshops, seminars and forums of meeting, the mutual promotion of the participation of professionals in the activities of both entities, encouraging the participation of propeller in the forums of employment or business presentation spaces organized by Loyola Leadership School and the Organization of visits of companies in the sector to the Andalucia Loyola University campuses.

In addition, they agreed the making available facilities Loyola Leadership School for corporate applications and participation members Cluster propeller in Loyola Leadership School Advisory Committees, constituted in order to carry out the adaptation of the contents of the training programs of postgraduate and executive education to the requirements of the labour market. All these initiatives must nonetheless be endorsed through a Convention or specific contract for its realization.

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Fundación Hélice - Cluster Andalucía Aerospace

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