The center of formation of Fremm certify students in productivity
on July 8, 2013
The Regional Federation of businessmen of the Metal of Murcia and Festo, global supplier of automation solutions, have signed a collaboration agreement for the Fremm training center will be considered as Center of excellence Festo, CEF, to facilitate that trained students out to the labour market with a certificate of productivity, added value which joins the already recognized technological level and quality training imparted from the next academic year on the premises of the Metal. The sectoral Federation becomes the first centre that obtains this cataloging in Spain, awarded by the German group.
Fremm is facing new course providing a differential qualified seal which is indicative for businesses, as well as being pioneering in its implementation within the training offered in our country. Apart from the students, the teaching staff that imparts in the center of the metal must also have passed requirements and auditing required from Festo.
"Students in schools, from the of vocational training up to an engineer coming out of College, acquire an academic training, but require a takeoff phase to achieve the proper pace of productivity demanded in a company. With this agreement, those who come out of the workshops of the Fremm, will be able to cope with the level of productivity, marked for his job from the first day", assessment of the President of the sectoral Federation, Juan Antonio Muñoz, after signing the Convention, along with safe Xavier, CEO of Festo Spain.
In the Fremm election by the multinational, as companion in the implementation of which will be the first CEF in Spain, has heavy "their commitment to the industrial sector, as well as its high level of exigency in formation and its commitment to invest in equipment and methods, thus making Federation of Metal close to the way we work", qualities highlighted by the directors of the firm, which invests every year 8.5% of its turnover in r & d, generates hundreds of annual patents and has registered 3,000 total.
Teaching complementary to follow from the academic year 2013-2014 in the facilities of the Metal will remain an innovative methodology on technical and technological training that Festo has developed according to the needs detected among its clients in different business activities, through its consultancy. Thus, teaching to follow will be depending on the specialty for which it is preparing students, in order to achieve your optimum level of productivity in their future work.