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Aim 2020: Aeroplanes safer, cleaner and more silent

70% of the projects of R&D in which they participate the companies of the clúster aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Hegan head to the environingingmental improvement

Editorial Interempresas20/05/2013
The last generations of aircraft, like the To380 and the Boeing 787 —in whose manufacture participate all the companies associated to the Clúster of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and Space Hegan— will have the minor consummate achieved until the moment in commercial aeroplanes: less than 3 litres by passenger to the 100 kilometres, in front of the 5 litres of the versions of does a decade, the 8 litres of the aeroplanes of the years 80, or even the 5,3 litres of half consumption by passenger of a car.

The Basque companies bet by the innovation and the technological development and participate from does several years in the most important projects of R&D to European level, the majority of them inside ambitious programs headed to the improvement of the environingingmental behaviour of the air transport. An estimate of the sector attributes to the environingingmental improvement 70% of the projects of R&D in which they participate these companies, what will allow improvements of the variables of reduction of noise, of the atmospheric broadcasts, of the consumption of fuel and the employment of new materials lighter, reducing like this the impact in the climatic change.

In group, in 2012 the partners of Hegan participated in more than a hundred of projects of R&D and invested in this area a game of 193 million euros, 13,6% of his figure of annual turnover. 80% of this game proceeds of own financials of the companies. Big part of the current technological projects in which they participate have like aim reduce the weight of the structure and the aerodynamic resistance, incidiendo in the reduction of broadcasts of the C02 issued by the aircraft, and in achieving turbines more silent and efficient, what translates to his time in a lower consumption of fuel and lower generation of broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero.

The aeroplanes of today are 70% more silent and consume 70% less than 40 years ago. However, the vision of the European Union for the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry in the next ten years is that it was a sector still “safer, cleaner and more silent”. Like this, the European administrations tie the sustainable development indisolublemente with the air transport, a sector that consider key to conform an economic growth competitive and sustainable European en el futuro. In fact, the air transport is responsible of 8% of the world-wide Gross Product, generates 29 million employments and around 2% of the total of broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero.

In the image, línia of setting of the horizontal stabilizer in Aernnova. Photo: Airbus
In the image, línia of setting of the horizontal stabilizer in Aernnova. Photo: Airbus.

Environingingmental aims in aviation

With the perspectives of current growth of the aerial traffic around 5% annual (5,3% in the year 2000), estimates that the broadcasts of the international flights would represent in 2050 3% of the total broadcasts of these gases. Thus so much the agents of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector like the international organisms are conscious of the effect of the activity in the surroundings and are working to reduce the impact of the aviation in the environingingment, loaning special attention to the broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero and his implication in the climatic change.

The environingingmental aims for the period comprised between 2010 and 2020 are focused to achieve the aims established by the European program ACARE (Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe), with which range the companies, and will allow to achieve in the year 2020, comparing it with the standards of the year 2000, reduce to the half the noise issued by the aircraft, a reduction of 50% of the broadcasts of C02 and of 80% of broadcasts of NOx and a saving of 30% of fuel.

Between the most stood out projects inside the VII Program Marco finds Clean Sky, the main European bet to investigate in the design of the future generation of European aircraft more respectful with the environingingment. With a planned length until the year 2017, this program receives 800 million euros of financials of the CE, to which add other 800 millions contributed by the European industry and has like mission accelerate the technological developments of avant-garde and shorten the time of commercialisation of the new solutions, previous essay to level of complete aeroplane and in flight.

In this project constituted like a public consortium-private, Aernnova has the rank of member associated, with an upper participation to the 8 million euros, in which it participates beside Airbus, AgustaWestland, Alenia Aeronautica, Dassault Aviation, EADS-HOUSE, Eurocopter, Fraunhofer Institute, Liebherr-Aerospace, Rolls-Royce, Saab AB, Safran Thales and the European Commission.

The consortium Clean Sky has set up 5 big integrated projects on real platforms and the contribution of Aernnova integrates in the project SFWA (Smart Fixed Wing Aircraft). The environingingmental aim of the SFWA is to reduce the consumption of fuel and in consequence the broadcast of C02 of the aircraft of average and long scope between 10% and 20%, as well as the noise between 5 and 10 dB. For the attainment of such aims, the project SFWA is developing a “intelligent wing” and new concepts of engine.


Inside the program of the wing, Aernnova has the responsibility of the development of the Drawer of Torsion and of the setting monitored of the new ‘wings SMART', integrating like this the pieces of the rest of partners in two semi-clean wings. For this aeroplane of new generation, a better behaviour laminar of the wing is considered like one of the most important milestones since it allows to reduce the friction, what increases the general performance and the reduction of broadcasts.

Besides, Aernnova will integrate a new system of structural monitoring of the wing (SHM), developed with own technology, that will be also validated in the essays in flight. This system, designated PAMELA SHM, detects in real time the damages and defects in the wings and will install for the first time without need of cables and allows the intelligent communication between the structure of the wing and the personnel of maintenance.

By his part, Industry of Turbo Propellants integrates the environingingmental variable in the distinct phases of the cycle of life of the product (design, manufacture and maintenance and repair), developing in each one of them specific actions, without losing the global vision, because it considers that it is essential to contemplate the environingingmental impact of the product from the design, since any improvement in this phase translates in a more efficient behaviour and respectful with the environingingment along an useful life of 25 years.

ITP Participates in the project Sustainable and Green Motors (SAGE) of the Clean Sky, led by Rolls-Royce, that pursues to develop new concepts for the future generation of motors of aviation of agreement to the exigencias of ACARE. It participates in the design and construction of 5 demostradores of motors to integrate technologies of systems of low pressesure with noise reduced and light weight. For the next 15 years, the challenge of ITP will head to to improve the efficiency, with the reduction of 30% of the consumption of fuel, reduction of 50% the noise and another so much the weight, reduction of 35% the cost and reduction in 28 months -20% -the time of put in service.

Inside the frame of Clean Sky find also other partners of the Clúster Aerospace Hegan, as Tecnalia, Aciturri, CTA and Sener, with diverse projects of developments of systems and equipment, motors, structures, new materials and systems of manufacture that will allow aeroplanes and motors more efficient and an improvement of the gestión of the aerial traffic.

Another important field of direct environingingmental improvement is the one of manufacture of the own companies, with the participation in programs of ecoeficiencia, optimisation of resources and energetic efficiency, as well as the traction in the environingingmental field that realise the companies to the rest of his chain of value.

The companies of the association allocated the last year 193 million euros to R&D
They propose reduce the noise and the atmospheric broadcasts, the consumption of fuel and the weight of the aircraft

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