
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Jesús Contreras, presidente de la AIQB

Interview with Jesus Contreras, President of the AIQB

María Escribano01/12/2004

"The pole of Huelva is the only maintained a close balance between chemical and petrochemical industry"

Jesus Contreras, Huelva of 57 years and graduate in chemical sciences, linked from 1974 to the industry and current CEO of the company Atlantic Copper metallurgy, is the new President of the Association of chemical industries and basic of Huelva (AIQB)a post which accepts with pride and from which will seek to enhance the transparency in the sector, with the ultimate goal of improving relations with the society in which the partners develop their activity.
Following his recent appointment as President of the AIQB, how facing this new stage in his career? and what will be their main lines of action at the head of the Association?
As it cannot be otherwise, this new stage of my career the face first with pride, fundamentally, for the opportunity of representing, as President of the Association of chemical industries and basic of Huelva, an important group of companies such as those who join our Association.

But I her also face a challenge, because one of the missions of the Presidency is the enhance the relations with the society in which we conduct our business, i.e. with Huelva society and I already expressed in one of the first interviews after my access to the Presidency thatpersonally, will not be fully satisfied until the Huelva would have an industrial city.

With regard to the fundamental lines of action, the most important always be directed towards achieving the above objective which is none other than the enhance relations with Huelva society; However, I would like to stress that it is the Board of Directors of our Association, composed of representatives of the 15 associated companies, its real organ maker and where emanate the lines of action to the executive bodies must follow and has been the work continued over the years of the Board of Directorswith its discussions and decisions, who has scored and must continue marking the course to follow for the benefit of our companies and the Huelva society.

How could define the status of the petrochemical pole of Huelva compared with other national Cartagena and Tarragona, and international sites?
First of all I would highlight its uniqueness that perhaps, the pole chemical Huelva is the only Spain that keeps a close balance between chemistry and petrochemistry. It must be taken into account in Huelva are pierced, on the one hand, the larger Spanish production of sulfuric and phosphoric acid as well as the only centres in Spain where they produce the pigment titanium dioxide or sodium tripolyphosphates, but, on the other hand, and within organic chemistry, we must not forget that we also have the second largest European production of phenol. To this must be added, but already in the field of metallurgy, the location of the eighth World copper refinery.

Secondly I would highlight its potential of this chemical enclave. This is based on the availability of industrial land for new sites, the proximity of a port with vocation eminently industrial and specialized in the traffic of chemicals and finally, in an electricity generation based on a total installed capacity of 1,600 MW capacity of 1,300,000 Nm3/HR of natural gas production.

Regarding international sites, the competitive advantage of Huelva focuses on its location, since it is at a key point of the main trade routes and as a strategy for the future, is an ideal setting to reach the markets of Latin America and the North and West Africa.

"I will not be fully satisfied until that the Huelva would have an industrial city"

You can highlight us main economic data of the companies in the AIQB in 2003: production, investment...

The value of the production of the companies associated with AIQB has promoted, in the year 2003, 3.359 million euros, generating a contribution to the provincial VAB 733 billion euros. This amount accounts for 12 percent of all value added gross provincial and comes to show us the importance of this activity for the economy of the province of Huelva. But for us, there is another economic data that we calculate and stress with an emphasis, and cash to companies integrated in AIQB injected directly into the Huelva economy. This amount has been promoted in 2003 to 796 million euros flowing into the Huelva economy, among other channels, through more than 120 small and medium-sized companies that provide us with their various services.

These economic data, held over the years (and this year precisely celebrate forty years of the presence of the chemical industry in Huelva) has been made possible by continued investment and innovation that have kept our companies. Investments in the year 2003 have been promoted to 163 million euros and the accumulated since 1990 reached the significant amount of € 1.8 billion.

But perhaps the more important to highlight data is the contribution to provincial employment. The activity of these industries has generated in Huelva a total of 16,500 jobs which represents 10 per cent of all jobs generated in the province, which again comes to give proof of the importance of this group of companies.

"I would highlight in this chemical enclave its potential"
Also, what have been most important in the production value and what activities the main destinations for the production of the associated companies?
88 Per cent of the value of production are divided sectors of refining of oil and natural gas, chemicals and metals. The remaining 12 per cent belongs to the production of fertilizers, pulp and electrical energy.

As for the fate of the production, 35 per cent is aimed at international markets and 65 per cent to nationals. However, it is necessary to point out that 9 per cent of the fate of our productions are made between our own companies, which gives an idea of the integration of a chemical pole like this.

With all the data on the table, what is your assessment of the figures for 2003? and how he hopes to conclude the year 2004?
The assessment on the year 2003 is positive because our turnover grew 4.4 percent from the 2002 approaching the peak billing that was reached in the year 2000.

The forecast is that the turnover of the year 2004 is very similar to the 2003 and will probably be in 2005, once they enter in service some extensions being made and new plants of electricity and gas that are being builtWhen we have a new leap in turnover.

You He said it never understand the "not by system" to industrial activity. What is you can do from the AIQB to improve the image of the petrochemical industry?
In fact, our argument is oriented towards industrial empowerment of our country, region or province in the conviction that a strong industrial activity is strong to the places where it is established. But this empowerment industrial and, ultimately, the industrial entrepreneurship, not happen alone; It is a reflection of the institutional and social environment that develops. Therefore, proactive and receptivity of the public administrations to the thousands of relations that normally have with companies (permits, licences, authorisations, etc.) are key elements for our daily development and its delay or stoppage for essentially bureaucratic reasonsIt is cause of enormous economic damage resulting in our competitiveness.

But there is no doubt that from the business sector much remained to be done. Firstly, conveying this message to the public administrations, but secondly, sending a proindustrial message to such pluralistic society like ours than perhaps, for a long time, it has been receiving conflicting messages about the meaning of the industrial activity in general and chemistry in particular.

Finally, what are the plans for the future of the AIQB in the short and medium term?

The answer is very easy and simple, continue working.

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