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The company presents his novelties for this year of the signatures Gardena and McCulloch

The innovation, key factor in the strategy of growth of Husqvarna division Consumer

David Muñoz22/03/2013
The division Consumer of Husqvarna in Spain and Portugal celebrated the past 20 March a presses conference to give to know the main novelties that go to enter in the sector of the gardening his two marks, Gardena and McCulloch, during this 2013. The day developed in the installations that the Group Husqvarna has in Madrid, where this division has moved recently to take advantage of synergies with the others two lines of business that already were there situated: Construction and Stone.

Carlos of the Piñal, general director of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal, showed optimist with regard to the evolution that will follow this division along this year and during all the 2014. An evolution that the company wants to sustentar in three big “crowbars of growth”.

Carlos of the Piñal, general director of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal
Carlos of the Piñal, general director of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal.

In the first place, the innovation, with a clear bet so much of Gardena as of McCulloch for launching new products that satisfy the needs of the customers and that allow to complete the range to give a service the more possible integral.

Like second key factor, Carlos of the Piñal signalled a greater focalización in the customer, reinforcing his network of distribution to guarantee a greater quality of the service. For this, between other measures, will work to win presence in the channel retail (big and average surfaces) and, thanks to the agreement with the importing Internaco, will put a greater focus in the professional sector.

And like third strategic point, the general director of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal signalled that it goes to be key the reorganisation that has produced recently in this line of business to create a structure 100% Iberian, happening already also the Portuguese market to be managed from the offices of Madrid. With this looks for enjoy of processes more homogéneos, “create a winning team” in all the Iberian Peninsula and can satisfy in all his needs to the final customer (“the big boss” in the chain of distribution).

Novelties of McCulloch

McCulloch Has renewed from above down his range of products in the two last years, and for this 2013 also launches two big novelties: a new range of lawnmowers and a new line of tractors for garden.

Justine Second, director of Markerting of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal...
Justine Second, director of Markerting of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal, beside the new lawnmowers of McCulloch exposed in the showroom of Madrid.

Regarding the range of lawnmowers, as it signalled Justine Second, director of Markerting of the division Consumer of Husqvarna for Spain and Portugal, the new models project by a change in his design, in which now it gives more importance that before to the colours and to the logo corporate of McCulloch. Besides it has had very in account the ergonomics to reduce the fatigue of the users, and has facilitated his handle with elements like the adjust centralised of the height of cutting or the electrical start that already incorporates one of the versions. Also they have included new blades PX3 to guarantee a more effective cut (short more lawn in less time), and in two of the models have instrumented motors McCulloch (already tested during three seasons in EE UU), attaining with this equipment 100% of said mark, what facilitates the service postventa. The rest of the new models instrument Deep motors and Briggs&Stratton.

Like second big novelty, McCulloch presents in this 2013 an innovative generation of tractors of garden, characterised by his best manoeuvrability, by his attractor trucks design and for having motors more powerful.

José Luis Velasco, responsible of Product and boss of Service Postventa of Gardena and McCulloch for Spain and Portugal...
José Luis Velasco, responsible of Product and boss of Service Postventa of Gardena and McCulloch for Spain and Portugal, in one of the new tractors McCulloch.

The new range consists of five models, all they with the up to date design McCulloch in which it gives priority to his black and yellow colours, and with a chassis monobloque that reduces the transmission of vibrations and that improves the durability of the machine. They are tractor trucks that offer greater levels of ergonomics (with a renewed seat and with a zone of hold to the steering wheel that facilitates the handle in situations very demanding), as well as greater indexes of hygiene, with numerous systems oriented to avoid accidents (the tractor for, for example, in what it does not detect weight in the seat or when it opens the cesto rear). All the models incorporate motors Briggs&Stratton of 4 times that allow prolonged uses of the tractor, and thanks to the systems turbo of collected of grass, guarantee a clean cut in all the garden.

Are machines, finally, that when can incorporate a wide variety of accessories (tow, escarificador, barredora, esparcidor, roller, etc.) exert of authentic multipurpose.

Novelties Gardena

With more than 50 years of experience in the market, the big competitive advantage of Gardena is today, as it indicated Justine Second, his capacity to be a global provider of all that that needs in a garden: irrigation, pumps, tools…

Justine Second, during the presentation of the new roll up-hoses of Gardena
Justine Second, during the presentation of the new roll up-hoses of Gardena.

This growth of the range does not detain and for this 2013 Gardena also enters important novelties, as for example the new range of roll up-hoses (roll-up), conformed by four models of 15, 25 and 35 metres of hose. In 35 m there is available a version by docks and another with battery of ion-lithium, that allows to realise 50 collected without having to recargar. In all the cases, the standard hose has a diameter of 13 mm to guarantee the efficiency in the irrigation. They present an ergonomic design and are very easy to install.

Also is novelty in the catalogue 2013 of Gardena the new line of gloves, with which the company has looked for a greater uniformity in the design, with the idea to improve the identification of his application in the linear of product. Each version has a pictogram and a photo that allows to know quickly for what is apt this model of glove (tools, earth, water, prickly, etc.). They are available in several sizes and has had very in account in his design the concept of hygiene.

New oscillating sprinkler of Gardena
New oscillating sprinkler of Gardena.

Like third novelty for this year Gardena presents a new line of aspersores for geometrical gardens and of small-average areas, available in three versions of irrigation: surface, dripping and buried.

For irrigation in surface, the novelty is the oscillating sprinkler ZoomMaxx, for surfaces of irrigation of 9 to 216 m2. His base is very wide, what guarantees him a big stability, and his cover amovible makes possible an installation in series. His width of irrigation, adjustable, is of 3 to 12 metres, and his scope of irrigation, also adjustable, of 3 to 18 metres.

If it requires a simple solution, precise and economic, the answer is the oscillating sprinkler YOU 90, for an irrigation oriented of square or rectangular surfaces, with a feeble pressesure. It covers a surface of irrigation of 1 to 90 m2, with an adjustable width of irrigation of 0,5 to 7 metres, and a width of irrigation in career, regulable of 1,5 to 13 metres. Can modulate in height, for the irrigation of the highest plants, with the help of a tube prolongador.

Finally, for installations of irrigation buried, Gardena presents the emergent oscillating sprinkler YOU140, ideal for square and rectangular surfaces, that allows to simplify the planning of an irrigation buried, reducing the cost of his installation. His surface of irrigation, regulable, is of 2 to 140 m2, with a width of irrigation of 1 to 9,5 metres, and a long of irrigation of 2 to 125 metres. It presents with one covers of protection of wide edges, that avoids the entrance of the grass, and also is protected against the ants. It exists equally in kit, smart to use.

Like fourth and last big novelty, Gardena launches in this 2013 his new robots cortacésped, that occupy , they alone, to realise this task of silent form, free of broadcasts and with a big saving of power, guaranteeing a uniform cut.

Although this product is new in the range of Gardena, benefits of the experience of 30 years of Husqvarna in this type of technology, what guarantees his reliability. There is available a range Consumer for small-average gardens and another Professional range for greater surfaces. His operation bases in the creation of an electromagnetic area from some marked limits by cables that are buried to a maximum depth of 18 cm. A second wired up marks him to the robot the way of turn to the station of load when it has finished his work or needs recargarse. When cutting of random form avoids wear out always the same zones of the garden by the step of the team. Still like this, the ligereza of this robot (less than 8 kg) contributes to descartar this type of wears. Other characteristics stood out of these robots are his blades of double edge (last the double), his high performance of cutting (between 30 and 45 m2/hour), his battery of 18 V (minimum consumption), his systems of hygiene (so much to avoid accidents like thefts), his capacity to surpass throw off balance of until 25% and his high capacity of programming.

New robot cortacésped of Gardena
New robot cortacésped of Gardena.

For all those customers that do not dare to do the installation, Gardena has launched during this first year a promotional offer by which to a very affordable price are the technicians of Gardena those that occupy to realise all this installation.

New on-line applications

From his launching in 2011 the web of Gardena follow incorporating new applications. For example through the section ‘Life in the garden' can find useful councils for the gardener. One of the last incorporations is the planificador of irrigation called ‘My garden', that allows to the user of the web schedule his system of irrigation from the design of his own garden, offering at the end all the references Gardena that requires to do this installation.

By his part, in the web of McCulloch also has implemented recently an important novelty: the register of the machine. Thanks to this new system the customer can forget already of the receipt because all the historial of the machine remains recorded in the system, respecting the periods of guarantee and knowing at all times the incidences that has been able to have this unit along his useful life (this register goes to implant also próximamente in the web of Gardena).

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Gardena - Husqvarna España

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