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50 máquinas y un 50% más de visitantes en las jornadas de Chiron50 machines and 50% more than visitors in the days of Chironinging
22 March 2013
Chironinging (represented in Spain by Machinery Eurotec) celebrated of the 6 to 9 March some days of open doors in which it presented for the first time his range of machines baseline in front of some 1.500 participants (a fourth part of the foreigner), roughly 50% more than in the previous edition. They exposed in total 50 machines, what converted the evento in the biggest celebrated up to now by this German company. In addition to the exhibition presented numerous technical reports that completed the days and there were spaces for the debate and technical conversations around concrete projects.
A good part of the machines exposed in the new centre of solutions key in hand.
Seven models conform the line of products baseline, that allows the entrance of the customers of Chironinging in the market of the manufacture of economic precision. They offer the models FZ12 FX, FZ15W, MILL FX 800, each one of them in two variants, as well as the model MILL 2000, machines preconfiguradas and of universal and flexible installation. They are machines with the same components that the standard machines configurables from diverse modules and that the models done to the measure. Between the seven novelties of this line baseline exist also versions of five axles, with cambiadores of tools and diverse controls.
In addition to this new series presented many solve key in hand and solutions of automation, and could see working machines of five axles and cells of complete work of high production, in some cases producing car body parts.
A good part of the machining centres presented found in the centre of solutions key in hand, a space of 5.000 square metres that is in active from finals of 2012. It showed the ease in the change of the husillos and the cabezales, as well as the ease to realise works of maintenance.