
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El sistema riego Micro-Drip System Classic no desperdicia ni una gota
Developed by Gardena, avoids the stagnation of water and allows to save the consumption

The system irrigate Micro-Drip System Classic does not waste neither a drop

Editorial Interempresas25/02/2013
The system Micro Drip of Gardena irrigates the earth of soft form and constant without that there are excessive quantities of water that stagnate drowning the plants or impoverishing the floor when dragging his nutrients. The drop to drop allows to leave the quantity of exact water that the plant needs, where more lacking does him (the root), without wasting water and obtaining the best results, with a saving of water that can reach until the 50 %.
Micro-Drip-System Can use for the irrigation in fences, balconies, plants in plant pots, terraces, greenhouses, small macizos and thickets...
Micro-Drip-System Can use for the irrigation in fences, balconies, plants in plant pots, terraces, greenhouses, small macizos and thickets, flower-beds, etc.

The system Micro-Drip-System of Gardena is totally polyvalent and can use for the irrigation in fences, balconies, plants in plant pots, terraces, greenhouses, small macizos and thickets, flower-beds, etc. Can add so many extensions as it want and adapt the needs of water for each plant, without spending a drop of more. Besides, can choose the type of favourite irrigation from the drop to drop regulate to the fine thread of water, or a fine rain that do not damage the most fragile plants.

The drop to drop allows to leave the quantity of exact water that the plant needs, where more lacking does him (the root)...
The drop to drop allows to leave the quantity of exact water that the plant needs, where more lacking does him (the root).

From 2003 in that Gardena presented his system of exclusive connection ‘Quick and Easy' that allows to connect, desconectar or modify easily the installation, has gone presenting progressively novelties that come to improve the system, doing it increasingly practical and simpler. In 2013, Gardena incorporates a range Micro-Drip Classic ideal for the beginners of the garden that look for a basic installation to an extremely attractor trucks price  whereas the range Premium adapts to the fans to the garden that look for confort and comfort.

System of exclusive connection ‘Quick and Easy' that allows to connect, desconectar or modify easily the installation
System of exclusive connection ‘Quick and Easy' that allows to connect, desconectar or modify easily the installation.

In the system of connection Classic, the relief of the pieces guarantees the estanqueidad of the installation. In the range Premium finds the connection ‘Quick & Easy' and a together tórica that guarantees the estanqueidad of the installation.

The range Micro-Drip Classic is ideal for the beginners of the garden that look for a basic and simple installation to realise...
The range Micro-Drip Classic is ideal for the beginners of the garden that look for a basic and simple installation to realise.
Regarding the drippers, in the range Classic include drippers of ball that, to low pressesure, regulate and distribute the water to a constant discharge. It achieves his maintenance thanks to a cleansing needle and his fixation does by means of a punzón multifunción.
Drippers Of ball included in the range Classic
Drippers Of ball included in the range Classic.
In the range Premium find drippers adjustable regulators of discharge, for the precise irrigation of plants with different needs in water, and drippers car-compensantes: the membrane guarantees a constant discharge, independently of the pressesure of the water, automatic closing of the just membrane after the cycle of irrigation to avoid the cal, and system of car-cleaning and car-compensante, without maintenance. The membrane of labyrinth, very precise, guarantees a constant discharge even in terrains with desnivel.
The drippers adjustable regulators of discharge and the drippers car-compensantes form part of the range Premium
The drippers adjustable regulators of discharge and the drippers car-compensantes form part of the range Premium.

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