
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Gardena lanza un nuevo robot cortacésped totalmente autónomo

Gardena Launches a new robot cortacésped totally autonomous


23 January 2013

The new robot cortacésped of Gardena occupies to cut the lawn working totally by himself only, guaranteeing a uniform cut, and without any type of help on our part. Adapted for any form of garden, the new model cuts the lawn of form entirely autonomous according to a random movement, and goes back only to the station of load to load again automatically. His sophisticated special mechanism of cut, with 3 blades abatibles, offers a continuous and precise cut of the lawn, “leaving it as if it went a carpet”. The waste remain on the lawn, avoiding us his collected, and acting as I credit natural (function mulching). It is adapted for surfaces of lawn of until 700 square metres (model R70Li) or 400 (model R40Li).


His installation is very simple, and the operation, totally sure. A wire perimetral defines the area of cut, of such way that the cortacésped keeps at all times in said area. The programming of the times of cutting (hours of the day and days of the week) results very comfortable thanks to his wide picture of control with keys and screen. And the height of cutting can regulate easy and individually by means of a button giratorio. His operation is very silent, and can act in terrains with slope of until 25% of inclination. It works with battery of ion lithium, powerful and of easy maintenance.


The incorporation of sensors ultrasensibles, that recognise the obstacles, offers the maximum hygiene against collision, elevation and inclination. His carcasa is realised in a synthetic material highly resistant to the hits. And it can work even under the rain. Besides, like measure of protection, the robot cortacésped Gardena is endowed of salvaguardia antirrobo by means of a code PIN and function of alarm.

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