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The impressesion 3D is turning into the ideal solution in front of several challenges of the dental production

In the heart of the digital odontology

Avi Cohen, boss of Medical Solutions, Stratasys Ltd.14/01/2013
The things are changing. And a lot. The times in which they were necessary the impressesions of the mouth of the patients based in sticky masses are happening to the history. Now it scans digitally the dental group of a patient, the archive scanned sends to a dental laboratory where use the machines milling machines or the ones of impressesion 3D to create the artificial denture. This article centres precisely in this last, the impressesion 3D in the odontology of our times.

Like introduction to the technology Stratasys and his advantages in the dental medical/sector it would be necessary to begin speaking of the printer 3D Eden260V of Objet, company represented in Spain by Comher, a medical team totally certificate that contributes accuracy and productivity in the impressesion 3D odontológica.

A new was in the three-dimensional impressesion

The industrial world converts quickly in very competitive in the market and, therefore, is happening to the impressesion 3D to fulfil with the need to arrive quickly to the market. This technology Is converting already in the ideal solution in front of several challenges of the dental production, since the owners of dental laboratories save costs when happening quickly to the digital world. The advanced technology PolyJet, of Stratasys, prints layers constituents ultrafinas and establishes the standard of the sector in the impressesion 3D in high resolution.

Avi Cohen, boss of Medical Solutions of Stratasys Ltd
Avi Cohen, boss of Medical Solutions of Stratasys Ltd.

The system odontológico 3D winner of prizes

The technology inkjet patented by Stratasys designed to issue the own dental materials of the company, VeroDent, layer to layer to a tray of construction, until completing the model required. The process generates models totally solid that they can be handled and used immediately.

The process PolyJet

The cabezal emisor PolyJet displaces to behind and to forward along the axis X, similar to what does a printer of lines, depositing an alone layer superfina of polymer on the tray receptor. Immediately after each layer, some lamps UV along the bridge impresor issue light UV, solidifying and toughening instantly each layer. Of this form deletes the toughened back that precise in other technologies.

The internal tray with the emisores moves with extreme precision and the cabezales go building, layer to layer, until completing the model. Sophisticated tools of software achieve that all the cabezales work in perfect harmony and with an optimum accuracy, to send identical quantities of material to the tray. Like result has a perfectly uniform surface and soft. They employ two different materials to build: one for the real model – the material VeroDent, and another, a material type gel like support. The geometry of the structure of the support preprograma to accept geometries complicated, such like cavities, salient, recess, delicate shots and sections with fine walls.

The advanced technology PolyJet prints layers constituents ultrafinas and establishes the standard of the sector in the impressesion 3D in high...
The advanced technology PolyJet prints layers constituents ultrafinas and establishes the standard of the sector in the impressesion 3D in high resolution.
  • Layers superfinas of 16 micras to obtain soft surfaces

issue microscopic drops forming layers superfinas of until 16 micras. With this obtain surfaces supersuaves was cual was the complexity of the model.

  • Accuracy

A combination of development of special chemical products, mechanical and precise electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers and advanced characteristic of software achieve constructions that fulfil with tolerances very narrow for the dental market.

  • Durable models for the dental industry

An integral part of the technology PolyJet is the material VeroDent. This material offers an excellent flexibility, resistance to the impact and appearance of the model as if it treated of stone. The material tested and was approved by dental companies and laboratories leaders such as Sironinginga, Glidewell, ClearCorrect and hundreds more.

  • Jets of high speed to have of greater productivity

The technology PolyJet uses a process of rasterización to produce models of polymer, so that the machine builds by layers in place to knit it ready. Therefore, can create several models in the same time in which other technologies produce an alone model. The combination of the process of rasterización with the mechanical movement of high speed reduces even more the time of construction if it compares with other technologies.

  • Fine walls for singular geometries

The broadcast with high precision of the technology PolyJet allows the creation of walls and lines of cut marginales superdelgadas, depending on the geometry.

  • Easy elimination of the support in any geometry

The materials of modelado and of support of Stratasys separate entirely with a WaterJet of high pressesure, with the result of clean and soft surfaces. This process is clean and simple and allows the finishing of the majority of pieces in minutes. The fast broadcast of material combined with the easy elimination of the material of support creates models finished, smart to be used, in a record time.

As that the cost of the work of laboratory is turning into an important factor in the planning and therapy of the dental catering, and in price, some advanced dental laboratories are adopting the processes odontológicos digital to differentiate . During the last years, the dental caterings in base to design by means of software have popularised and the majority of companies odontológicas have at present of impressesion 3D, already was in his dental practice, in his laboratory or through centres of production. This contributes valuable advantages to the companies odontológicas, including; access to new materials almost without defects, prefabricated industrialmente and controlled; results of greater quality and with reproducibility; storage of suitable data for a chain standardised of production; planning with better precision and efficiency.

The impressesion 3D contributes valuable advantages to the companies odontológicas like the access to new materials almost without defects...
The impressesion 3D contributes valuable advantages to the companies odontológicas like the access to new materials almost without defects, prefabricated industrialmente and controlled and results of greater quality and with reproducibility, between others.

Which are the advantages of this technology in comparison with the traditional methods?

Arrives a moment in which the manual work is not sufficient to answer to the current demands. The technicians odontólogos use traditionally his skillful hands and his expert eyes to prepare crowns, bridges, fillings, incrustaciones, melt and arches and ‘brackets'. Although they are considered like artists, the manual process consumes long, is imprecise and requires material that can not having the best durability or aesthetic appearance. The known flow of digital work bases in some steps that, usually, are: Scanner (using scanner 3D, scanner intraoral or scanner of impressesion), CAD, in which it uses software to design the final product in base to the data scanned, and CAM. The CAM includes often data transferred to systems CNC employing comprobación traditional.

The fast production is something that will offer prompt to dentists and patient like attractor trucks and affordable option. The olden days in which the dentists had to apply quantities of sticky substances in the mouths of the patients, to obtain impressesions for the construction of crowns, bridges and implants, have happened.

In place of this, has developed an interesting high new technology that can scan digitally in two minutes all the dental group of a patient. Once attracted the information by means of a scanner intraoral, the dentist delivers the archive scanned to a dental laboratory where use the machines milling machines or the ones of impressesion 3D to create the artificial denture, the majority done from dioxide of zirconio. In the past used gold and platinum like materials.

The technology of impressesion 3D continues accelerating the rhythm of change in the odontology. For those that predicted that it would arrive a day in that everything, from the planning until the catering finished, could do digitally, the day already has arrived.

The scanners intraorales and the software that controls them continue improving the models tested. And, at present, can check the surprising possibilities of diagnostic that contribute the scanners CT of conical ray, since the speed of scan and the catchment of image and the functionalities of improvement continue improving to a record speed. The most impressesive has been this year the explosion in devices devoted to the digital creation of images, the impressesion and the manufacture CAD/CAM of caterings, so much in the armchair of the dentist as in the laboratory. With the implementation of new systems, material and functionalities, during the year that begins, many consider that more dentists will begin to see this technology like a viable alternative for his usual practices.

We know the real demand for this type of technology and which are the forecasts?

For resumir the tendency: some day in a near future, will be able to remember the 2010 like the year in which the industry of the dental laboratories traspasaron the point without return from a traditional manual work to a process of design and manufacture all digital. In many respects, all the digital odontology already is here and an every time greater number of owners of laboratories already have incorporated digital odontology of some type in his strategic models of business. For a lot of professionals of the sector, this evolution has been a transition expected from does time and welcome, to an automation CAD/CAM faster and with less hand of work that improves the quality and the precision at the same time that keeps the competitiveness of the business.

The fast production is something that will offer prompt to dentists and patient like attractor trucks and affordable option...
The fast production is something that will offer prompt to dentists and patient like attractor trucks and affordable option.

Evaluation odontológica

The systems of catchment of data launched recently have widened the general concept of the digital odontology in the practice and in the laboratories. By means of an intense R&D, the manufacturers have created systems of scanned 3D configured to attract data of negative spaces to reproduce them in the interior of the impressesions in the tray in the laboratory or, even, in the usual practice. With the image 3D, precise and detailed, of the impressesion, the software CAD reconfigura the negative form in a representation 3D positive of the ready teeth. From this virtual model, the technician can design any number of different components. This type of technology considers often like a step of transition for the laboratories that give account of the advantages that contributes the digital odontology but that want also fulfil with those customers that prefer traditional reproductions.

For those dentists that are ready, want to and can integrate the technology of the digital impressesion, has of systems that extend the digital process to the phase of the oral manufacturing. Scanning the real disposal of the denture and creating a digital impressesion, improves the accuracy of the catchment of data, and the process of the digital catering begins before. In the case of laboratories that work with these progressive doctors, in a lot of cases all what precise is an investment in software of design (and his corresponding learning), with the manufacture of components subcontracted to centres of production. From this point, the technology of impressesion 3D constitutes the ideal solution, offering a fast impressesion of models 3D exact, as those that precise the odontology.

Nevertheless, the question continues being: When they will decide the dentists to change of platform and adopt the advantages of these impactantes tools, in place to leave happen in front of them the train of the innovation?

The printer 3D Objet Eden260V constitutes an ideal solution for the laboratories odontológicos since it allows them improve the quality of the dental catering, of the manufacture and of the placing. The laboratories odontológicos have the ease to manufacture quickly digital models of stone using the range Objet Eden of systems of impressesion 3D. The dental models printed matter in 3D guarantee to the dentists a high level of precision in the placing of the dental caterings, difficult to obtain using technical manual traditional.

This team offers a fast recovery of the investment. When printing layers ultrafinas of 16 micras with high accuracy, all the systems Eden produce models with details excepcionalmente fine and soft surfaces. Specifically designed for the sector odontológico, the compact design and the clean process of these systems convert these machines in something ideal for any laboratory or surroundings of office.

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