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A sector to grow to international level

Simón Vázquez, executive adviser of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Sector for the Agency Contrives and the Cluster Propeller18/10/2012
The celebration of ILA Berlin, one of the most important fairs of the aerospace sector to European and international level, has gone back to leave clear that the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry enjoys of good health in spite of the financial difficulties by which is crossing the world-wide economy, and that, as it is logical, also affect to a sector so globalizado as it is today the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing. The edition of 2012 closed his doors with a record of participation of display units and visitors, with a total of 1.243 companies of 46 countries and some 230.000 people that assisted so much to the professional meetings and of businesses as to the visits lúdicas and activities of leisure. They are numbers, therefore, to be satisfied, that show the intense activity that follows keeping the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing international.

It is necessary to stand out the presence of the main companies and actors of the aerospace sector in Europe, that presented the last novelties regarding aircraft and products linked to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry, of space and of defence, and that also announced agreements of collaboration of face to the development of future projects en el futuro (between them the possible fusion between EADS and BAE Systems that finally has been descartada).


ILA Converted an edition more in a glorious space to boost the dialogue and the cooperation between the big tractor trucks, subcontractors of first level and auxiliary companies that participate in the chain of supply of the main aerospace programs. And the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Andalusian also was protagonist of all this. Headed by the Cluster Aerospace Andalusian Propeller, the Andalusian delegation was the only Spanish delegation that had a stand official in ILA, what has allowed to the companies assistants keep notable commercial contacts and meetings of work with other European signatures (especially the Germans) that they can allow a strategic positioning in front of the new opportunities of business that go generating in the market during the next years.

The mechanical activities and of tooling conform the majority of the works of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing auxiliary industry Andalusian and suppose 52% of the turnover of said segment. It is not of extrañar, therefore, that these have been very represented in the German fair celebrated the past month of September. Of the nueve Andalusian entities assistants, four of them (Indaero-Tecnigrab, Mecatecnic-Aerotecnic, CEASES and Sofitec) devote to the own activities of the complementary industry, what puts of self-evident that the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing keeps on being one of the key markets for the companies that centre his business in this area. In total, the Andalusian companies kept more than 200 interviews of businesses in the International Service Center of the fair, with some very satisfactory results that expects that fructifiquen in new agreements and packages of work.

But ILA also has supposed a favourable occasion so that, no only the companies, but also the associations and entities that promote the development of the aerospace industry in diverse countries of Europe could know and tighten bows of cooperation, in search of the achievement of new challenges and projects. Like this it has been for the Cluster Propeller, that kept contacts with other clústeres aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Europeans in the breast of the EACP (European Aerospace Clusters Partnership), with the end to follow advancing in strategic lines that contribute to improve the competitiveness of the companies of the sector. The work developed during these days, in which they participated a total of 15 organisations members, centred in treating possible projects of conjoint cooperation, the internal mechanisms of gestión and taking of decisions in EACP, as well as the exchange of best practices between the clústeres members and his function like element potenciador of the chain of supply. Besides, it analysed the possibility to prepare proposals of projects to the announcement of the VII Program Mark of the European Commission, with the object to promote the R&D. In this appearance in concrete, Propeller has foreseen to participate in two projects, one on cooperation with companies of east Europe and another on the study of the paper of the clústeres in the economic growth.

The Andalusian industry, through the Cluster Propeller, could participate in an international study llevar by the signature h&z, on the competitiveness of the chain of supply in the aerospace sector. The results of the study were presented in the fair and his more notable conclusion was the constatación following: “A third of the current companies that conform the chain of supply will disappear of here to 5 or 10 years by not being to the height of the expectations of the customers in appearances eat: Products and Services, Processes and key Capacities and Access to International Markets”.

Photo: Messe Berlin GmbH
Photo: Messe Berlin GmbH.

From Propeller are convinced that this network of work and collaboration with other associations and clústeres European, and the participation in evento and fairs of big weight to international level are fundamental to follow promoting the internationalisation of our aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing companies. Especially in the case of those SMEs or auxiliary signatures that centre his activity in subsectores or areas of specialisation very concrete, with a reduced wallet of customers and a market of performance more specific. In a global sector, only by the road of the diversification of products and customers and the increase of the presence in the external markets will achieve to strengthen the way visited and give a new push to the participation of the Andalusian companies in the big international programs of the sector, in addition to consolidating to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing like one of the main motors of development for the Andalusian economy.

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