
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Sostenibilidad, valorización y reciclado de plásticos, a debate en una jornada organizada por Aimplas y Cicloplast

Sustainability, valorisation and recycled of plastics, to debate in a day organised by Aimplas and Cicloplast


18 October 2012


The technological centre Aimplas and Cicloplast will organise the next 20 November in Valency the day debate 'Sustainability, Valorisation and Recycled of the plastics', in which they will analyse and will debate the last innovations, tendencies and opportunities in the sector of the plastics from the punto of the sustainability, the prevention, the ecodiseño, the saving of resources and the recycled material and energetic at the end of his useful life.

The evento, headed to technicians of the public servicy, companies of the industrial state and technological, universities and technology centres, will treat to answer questions eat: To where they direct the European politics in matter of waste? It can the innovation open new markets of plastic recycled? How reduce the plastics of our dumps and take advantage of his value? Reciclabilidad Like factor of sustainability? What recommend the analyses of cycle of life to advance to a more engaged society with the environingingment? In a stage of crisis, can the plastics save resources and power? We can consider the power of the waste like another renewable power?

provisional Program

09.00 Reception and delivery of accreditations

09.30 Bienvenida and inauguration

Conselleria of Economy, Industry and Trade of the Generalitat Valencian

Jaime Pujol, president of Aimplas

Víctor Zapata, President of Cicloplast

10.00 Novelties in the legislative politics of the EU in Gestión of Waste

Helmut Maurer, Department Waste, DG Environingingment of the European Commission

10.30 Session 1: Ecodiseño, sustainability and saving of resources

Moderador: Carlos Cachán, environingingmental journalist and professor in the University Nebrija of Madrid

Waste like resources in the Spanish rule. Present and future

Margarita Ruiz, general deputy director attaches of Waste of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment

The containers and the sustainability: 15 years of attainments

Esther Colino, boss of the Department Pack and Sustainability of Ecoembes

plastic: a different approach on the power

Patricia Vangheluwe, technical director and director of the Program of Energetic Efficiency of plasticsEurope

Analysis of the Cycle of Life: a key tool to measure the sustainability

Pere Fullana -i- Palmer, director of the Chair of Unesco of Cycle of Life and Climatic Change of ESCI–UPF

To the sustainability and the saving of resources from the sector of the distribution

Adela Torres, manager of Environingingment of Mercadona

11.25 open Colloquium to the public

12.00 Pause coffee

12.20 Session 2: The value of the plastics at the end of his useful life

Moderador: Ibon Linacisoro, director of the Universal plastic magazine - Interempresas

The business competitiveness from the innovation and the ecology

Julián Escarpment, president and CEO of Sp-Berner

The initiative Recovinyl, an example of the voluntary commitment of the industry

Claudia Ribeiro, local agent of the Iberian Region of Recovinyl

The value of the plastic waste like fuel for the industry cementera

Dimas Vallina, director manager of the Labour Foundation of the Cement and Environingingment (CEMA)

Enerplas. Opportunities and challenges for a plant of CSR from plastic waste

Daniel Gambús, general director of Sabic Iberian Marketing

Formalities for the implantation of a system of valorisation in SMEs

Enrique López, boss of Section of Gestión and Environingingmental Planning of the Area of Waste of the Generalitat Valencian

13.25 open Colloquium to the public

14.00 Food

15.30 Session 3: practical Cases of new markets of plastic recycled

Moderador: Abel Fields, Environingingmental journalist of Channel 9

The Ecoetiquetado: a present environingingmental tool in the plans of public contracting

José Mª Massip, boss of Section of Systems of Environingingmental Qualification of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia

Asphalt modified with plastic recycled for roads more sustainable. Results of the investigation Cicloplast- Ditecpesa/ Ferrovial 2010-2012

Santiago Gil Round, boss of Laboratory (Quality, R&D) of Ditecpesa

Projects of innovation in plastic: cases of success

Eva Verdejo, responsible of the Line of Recycled and Environingingment of Aimplas

Valorisation of plastic waste

Vicente Hernández, coordinator of Polietileno in the Steering of Technology of Repsol

Recycled chemist of the plastics: of waste to hydrocarbons

Hermann Kraeling, general director of Tecpol

Project European Prowaste: like converting difficult plastic waste in products with high value

Alberto Caldeiro, technical director of Cicloplast

16.25 open Colloquium to the public

17.00 Conclusions and closure

Teresa Martínez, general director of Cicloplast

José Antonio Coast, director manager of Aimplas

17.30 End of the day

Related Companies or Entities

AIMPLAS - Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico
Cicloplast, S.A.

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