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Gardena And McCulloch participated in Eurobrico 2012


16 October 2012

Gardena, mark of reference in irrigation, showed in his stand his new aspersores for irrigation buried, irrigation of surface, and micro irrigation, and his new range of roll-up with the new roll-up with system of battery. Besides, in exclusivity, Gardena launched his 2 new robot cortacésped that guarantee a perfect cut of the lawn of form totally autonomous, being able to cut surfaces of lawn until 700 m2.

On the other hand has been able to see the complete range of machinery McCulloch, that stands out by his design and the power of his machines. The mark McCulloch presented his new range of tractors, the new type of machine 'front mower' and his new range of lawnmowers.

In the frame of Iberflora, did delivery of the II Prizes Garden, organised by Group TPI, with the collaboration of Fepex, Spanish Federation of Associations of Exporting Producers of Fruit, Vegetables, Flores and Alive Plants. Gardena Finished imposing to other important candidatures and was awarded with the first prize in the category of 'Furniture, accessories and systems for the garden', by his new aqualímetro, with which for the first time the lovers of the garden can see and control of precise form his consumption of water when they irrigate.

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