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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aeronáutica: un sector que fortalece la economía
The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing Spanish, eighth world-wide power

aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing: a sector that strengthens the economy

César Bouquets, director of Tedae, Spanish Association of Technological Companies of Defence, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and Space11/10/2012
Spain explains at present with integradores of first able level to control the total specification of product in the strategic aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector. It is present in all the moments of the manufacture of an aircraft, from the investigation and production, to the assembling, certification and maintenance of a complete aeroplane. It participates in complex programs and advanced technologically with but of 36.000 direct employments and 144.000 indirect. For the next decade foresees a big activity in the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry civilian along all the chain of supply.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing is a sector of dual character whose products have civil applications and of defence to which the economic crisis is affecting of distinct way.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing world-wide industry is dominated by the North American company Boeing and the European consortium Airbus, in a business that moves roughly 226.000 million dollars to the year, with an annual growth foreseen in the order of 4,8%, what means that they will deliver some 27.000 new aeroplanes of more than 100 squares in the next 20 years.

In the next years, the command exerted by these two companies can diminish considerably due to the fact that constructors initially devoted to the regional segment, Embraer and Bombardier, explain already with models in the segment of 100-120 squares and go to appear other constructors in China and Russia that already possess aeroplanes until 150 squares that, with all hygiene, will obtain a significant quota in his internal markets that go to experience a big development.

To date, the Spanish aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry has been very tied to Airbus of the hand of the ancient C.To.S.A., today splits of the Group EADS, to the that comes devoting more than 80% of his production. In the last years the supplying companies of the Group EADS have begun to diversify his wallets of requests and explain already with agreements no despicable of other manufacturers. Therefore, the expectations of the civil market are highly optimistic with big programs in course (To-380, B-787, B-747-8, To-350XWB, To-320neo, B-737Max, And-190, C-919, HIS-RRJ, and others) that go to guarantee a big activity in the industry along all the chain of supply during the next decade. Other initiatives of the EU as Galileo and SESAR go to originate also activity in areas of simulation and control of aerial traffic.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing world-wide industry is dominated by the North American company Boeing...
The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing world-wide industry is dominated by the North American company Boeing and the European consortium Airbus, in a business that moves roughly 226.000 M$ to the year.

The perspectives of the market of defence are less optimistic that the ones of the civil market. The budgets of defence carry several years without growth in the investments (except few exceptions). The economic crisis will carry to reductions very significant in the investments as well as the replanteamiento of programs already initiated, well reducing the initially planned quantities, very lengthening them in the time, or both things. Besides, they do not discern to half big new term programs. The future aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing systems for the defence will be technologically very advanced and, therefore, very costly. In Europe, not even the most developed countries will be able to face up them in solitary by what it will be necessary to face them in cooperation.

This means that the countries participants will have to harmonise his requirements and put of agreement in the specifications, what necessarily will lengthen the terms of launching as it already has occurred in the program To-400M.

Employment by sectors
Employment by sectors.
To date...
To date, the Spanish aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry has been very tied to Airbus of the hand of the ancient C.To.S.A., today splits of the Group EADS, to the that comes devoting more than 80% of his production.

One of the technologies that seems more promising and where the governments seem to be had to put more resources is the one of the Aerial Systems no Tripulados (UAS). All the big countries explain in the actuality with ambitious own programs in this matter although the fault of coordination and of political will to European level to do a big program that cover distinct types of these systems adds a difficulty more to the perspectives of the sector.

Beside the previous, a new activity that is earning big importance is the one of the sostenimiento understood eat: maintenance+modernisation. This activity, till lately time in hands of the operators and customers of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing products (aerial lines and maestranzas), begins to earn importance in the manufacturers of aeroplanes and motors that compensate like this the reduction of prices of his products like consequence of a fierce competition.

A new activity that is earning big importance is the one of the sostenimiento understood eat: maintenance+modernisation
A new activity that is earning big importance is the one of the sostenimiento understood eat: maintenance+modernisation.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Spanish boasts to be in all the moments of the manufacture of an aeroplane. This supposes can cover from the investigation and production to the assembling, certification and maintenance of a complete aeroplane.

Does not be necessary to forget that each two seconds an aeroplane despega in some part of the world and, in spite of being a daily fact, does not leave thus to be extraordinary. In hardly one hundred years have happened to fly in wooden aeroplanes to very little speed to move us of a continent to another in little time.

In 1970 Spain did not participate industrialmente in the Commercial Aviation. Today, however, the half of the commercial aeroplanes in the world incorporate Spanish technology thanks to his participation in the programs of the consortium Airbus (11%).

After this fact, find numerous companies that have not left of scalar positions like world-wide leaders in his activity. Boards participate in all the phases of the productive process of an aircraft, separately, are specialised by technologies. Like this, EADS stands out in the assembling and commercialisation of aeroplanes; Indra has the recognition in the manufacture of simulators and systems of control of aerial traffic; ITP, in propulsion; Iberia Maintenance, in the repair and conservation of the aeroplanes. Eurocopter Is specialised in the production of helicopters, while Aernnova and Airbus are expert in the manufacture and setting of aeroestructuras.

These companies do that Spain explain in the actuality with integradores of first level, what represents a differential advantage in front of a lot of countries industrialised, that still possessing a big industrial development, only include in his chain of supply providers of some size that are not able to control the specification of the product.

Evolution of the turnover
Evolution of the turnover.
The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Spanish boasts to be in all the moments of the manufacture of an aeroplane. This supposes can cover from the investigation and production to the assembling, certification and maintenance of a complete aeroplane.

The big advantage to possess industries of cabecera and integradores of first level is, also, the capacity to convert the world-wide demand of a product in specifications of a system or a subsystem and the capacity of decision on the location of the load of work.

All the previous does that the Spanish aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry was present in the most complex programs and advanced technologically employing of direct form to more than 36.000 people in Spain, figure that multiplies by four if they consider the places of indirect work. With some figures of equivalent business to 5% of the market in Europe and an export of 70% of his turnover the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry Spaniard is behind the one of countries bigger, but occupies a stood out eighth world-wide place.

Spain is present in all the segments of activity; the greater part of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector Spanish (78%) is devoted to 'aircraft and structures', 12% corresponds to 'motors' and 10% to 'equipment and systems'.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry Spaniard is present in the most complex programs and advanced...
The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry Spaniard is present in the most complex programs and advanced technologically employing of direct form to more than 36.000 people in Spain.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is strategic for the industry and the Spanish economy by his intrinsic characteristics of the same and that can resumir in Spain in the following magnitudes:


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