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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Faro se “mide” con los sectores de la automoción y aeronáutica

The company moves in an average of growth between the 20 and 25%

Faro Measures “” with the sectors of the automotive sector and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing

Nerea Gorriti25/09/2012
Mention the words “laser tracker” supposes irremediablemente think in Faro. This company known all over the world by his arms of measurement 3D laptops, stands out in addition to by the peculiarity of his product, for moving in an average of growth between the 20 and 25% and for “popularising” the prices of some of the products of a tug (of 380.000 to 180.000 euros of once in one of his products) what has allowed that any sector imaginable that require of measurements 3D employ arms of measurement Faro, from the metal, going through the architecture, until the world of the forensic. However, they are three the markets of avant-garde where Faro has purchased an enormous weight: the automotive sector, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and the renewable energies.

Precisely, the past 14 September, Faro gathered to the presses in Barcelona to give to know his bet by industries of avant-garde: the automotive sector, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and the renewable energies (solar or wind) and to present some novelties that has launched to the market.

Could see new Faro Edge during the intervention of Axular Etxabe, general director of Faro Spain
Could see new Faro Edge during the intervention of Axular Etxabe, general director of Faro Spain.

From the birth of the company 31 years ago and implantation in Spain from does 12, Faro Spain comes offering the improvement of the process of control of quality and manufacture by means of his equipment of three-dimensional measurement laptops. “We are world-wide leaders in the field of measurement 3D laptop” –affirms Etxabe–. The company moves in an average of growth between the 20 and 25%. And in this year they have launched big products like the arms of measurement Faro Edge, Faro Prevail, world-wide novelty or the Laser Tracker Faro Vantage. “We do not have reasons not to continue the current line of growth. Even in these times where the confidence and optimistic perspectives escasean, we follow with the very greased engine and contributing value added to the market. Memory that in the year 2008, the magazine Forbes included us in a list of companies with greater index of growth continued together with world-wide references of the size of Google or Season, for quoting some”.

Antonio Ballester, regional manager marketing Spain and Portugal with the new Faro Vantage
Antonio Ballester, regional manager marketing Spain and Portugal with the new Faro Vantage.

“Now –aimed the general director of Faro Spain– our products are already of vital importance, for example, to realise a precise final assembling of an aeroplane, independently that the wings manufacture in the United Kingdom, the tail in Spain or rest of aeroplane in Germany or France”.

According to the general director of Faro Spain “generally our products relate with the departments of R&D, engineering, manufacture or control of quality. The customers look for to improve his process and increase the value added of his products. In these moments, the survival of the industry goes through the capacity to manufacture products with a degree of greater complexity that differentiates them of the realised in east Europe or Asia. Our products are necessary to reach this excellence, since they ensure that the final product of our customers fulfils with the exigencias of design and reduce drastically the costs derived of the defects of manufacture no detected to time”.


Faro Vantage, an advance in the technology of follow-up laser

The signature, specialised in the creation of images and three-dimensional measurements, has reinventado the measurement of high precision of big volumes with the Faro Vantage. It supposes an advance in the technology of follow-up laser.

The Faro Laser Tracker is a portable team of measurement by coordinates of extraordinary precision that allows him manufacture products, optimise processes and supply solutions with a fast measurement, simple and precise.

Is 25% smaller and 28% lighter that his predecessor. Faro Has included new optical systems on line that improve the measurement of long scope in 45% until the 80 metres (160 m of diameter). The Wlan integrated cheese cheese deletes the dependency of portable computers. The result is a device of portable follow-up that attracts more measurements with fewer movements of the device and routines more brief that never. Together with the cases of standard sending, the Vantage packs with a rucksack and a platform of wheels totally new that they can save in the upper compartment standard of any aerial line, to transport it to any place and anytime, of fast and comfortable form.

The new Faro Vantage, smaller, less heavy and more comfortable to transport
The new Faro Vantage, smaller, less heavy and more comfortable to transport.

Combines new functions and rompedoras, and an extremely portable design. The improvements like SmartFind, Multiview (Multivisión) and WLAN integrated cheese cheese speed up the routines of measurement to obtain a speed and an unprecedented efficiency. The drastic reductions of size and weight do that the device was so extremely portable that can carry with ease on board of an aeroplane and save in the upper compartment.

It prevail, it is a portable arm of measurement with six axles

For users that require a solution of measurement by contact of high precision for the daily inspection and the routines of control of quality.

Available in four lengths of 1,8 m to 3,7 m, the Faro Prevail offers precisions of until 0,019 mm. This last FaroArm also comes instrumented with Bluetooth, what deletes the need to connect by means of wire the device to a laptop. The battery of greater capacity and the structure of compound materials guarantee the durability during the daily work in the plant. These together characteristics do of the Prevail the ideal solution for measurements in inspection, reverse engineering, analysis CAD-piece and there where require a solution of measurement by hard palpation of high precision.

The Prevail combines the Fusion and the Edge, the arm of measurement more advanced and representative of Faro, in the line of FaroArm leader in the sector. The Faro Edge follows offering characteristic only like tactile screen, integrated cheese cheese operating system and the scanner portable laser smaller and light of the sector, the Faro Laser Line Probe (LLP). "The needs and the opinions of the customers are the engine that promotes the innovation

The new Faro Prevail offers precisions of until 0,019 mm
The new Faro Prevail offers precisions of until 0,019 mm.

FaroArm, the arm of measurement more sold of the world

The FaroArm allows to realise measurements 3D highly precise of big and small pieces in production. It is so precise like the machines of measurement by coordinates (MMC) of fixed mulch, big and costly, but is much easier to use and transport. Designed from his needs and our experience, the Edge is the arm of measurement more innovative of the family of products FaroArm. With his integrated cheese cheese tactile screen and operating system incorporated, the Edge revolutionises the portable metrology offering an independent basic measurement. These are only some of the reasons by which FaroArm is the arm of measurement more sold of the world.

The Edge ScanArm is the combination of the Faro Edge of 7 axles and of the Laser Line Probe (LLP) that integrates perfectly in the arm, transforming it in the Edge ScanArm and allows to realise measurements with and without contact in an alone operation. Like this it ensures an uninterruptible work and no longer is necessary the adjust of more elements of software or hardware. The Edge ScanArm is perfectly indicated for reverse engineering and comparison of pieces with CAD.

“The magazine Forbes included us in a list of companies with greater index of growth continued together with world-wide references of the size of Google or Season”
“Even in these times where the confidence and optimistic perspectives escasean, we follow with the very greased engine and contributing value added to the market”

Faro Focus, exact measurements in 3 dimensions: easy with alone finger

Increasingly sectors and users that are used to to work with two-dimensional planes and schematic representations discover the advantages of the three-dimensional tools of documentation and planning.

Already was in architecture and construction, control of quality and reverse engineering, or protection of monuments and forensic analysis, the documentation 3D by means of scanner laser offers tangible profits in front of all the methods of conventional measurement. And it is that the scanner laser captures around one million points of measurement by second and generates like this an exact three-dimensional representation of his surroundings that, with the complementos suitable, can matter directly to diverse programs of software.

With the Focus3D, Faro offers now a scanner new laser and revolutionary of handle easy and intuitive through the tactile screen. Likewise, it is much more compact and also more economic that the previous models. The Focus3D offers like this all what fits to expect of a scanner laser 3D professional with an unknown simplicity up to now.

Faro Focus, the scanner laser that captures around one million points of measurement by second
Faro Focus, the scanner laser that captures around one million points of measurement by second.

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