Phoenix Contact, S.A. - Signal converters

Phoenix MicroAnalog

insulation And converters: of analog signal

Picture of insulation And converters
The series MicroAnalog of insulation and converters of analog signal of Phoenix stand out by his reduced dimensions, of 6 mm of width.

The family MicroAnalog covers a wide range that goes from converters configurables, insulation galvanic, separadores passive, converters of temperature and watchdogs of value threshold.

Besides, they stand out by his ease and rapidity of installation, thanks to a system of connectors enchufables that feed of automatic form to each module avoiding have to wire them up between himself. The bridge of feeding goes connected on the lane and the module enchufado on this, with what is possible to extract any individual module without interrupting the feeding of the other.

In spite of his reduced size the equipment keep the quality and typical provision of Phoenix Contact, endorsed by our wide experience in the treatment of analog signals.