DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U. - CNC milling machines

Deckel Maho DMU 40 monoBlock

Universal milling machine: equipped with 5-axis series

Picture of Universal milling machine

The milling machine DMU 40 monoBlock complete the product range of the series monoBlock Deckel Maho entering the market with the same excellent arguments than the larger of its machines. Its added features are a compact design, a head of milling shaft (b), a standard for 5-axis machining hydraulic mooring and the possibility of machining with negative angles. Great quick marches and accelerations in all linear and rotary axes are added to this successful process. With its 'new design' Gildemeister, designed for optimal ergonomics and maximum visibility, it offers perfect conditions for a highly effective and optimum results in machining individual parts and series of machining.

Thus, it has inherited all the advantages of its predecessors such as high static and dynamic stiffness, excellent ergonomics and perfect work area relationship with compact based on the machine. In addition, with an area of work of the axes (X, Y, Z) 450 x 400 x 480 mm and a head of milling with axis B along with a rotating table series CNC, the 40 DMU monoBlock offers the possibility of machining on 5 axes, perfect alternative for machining individual parts with a wide variety of materials for applications in medical technology, industry aerospace and construction of moulds and tools.

The fundamental element of the DMU 40 monoBLOCK is the head of milling with axis B series, which runs through addition, the range of inclination of the axis (b), with different options of spindles, makes possible processes of machining with a negative angle. As well as with the standard power 15 kW spindle, a couple of Max. 130 Nm and 12,000 rpm speed rotational, and with the spindle of 18,000 rpm (also in design of SK 40), the mid-range inclination is 125 ° (+ 30 ° to - 95 °). Optionally, you can extend the angle of scales-ing of the B axis with different spindles. Therefore, Deckel Maho offers an option with 24,000 rpm spindle and a range of inclination of + 30 ° to - 120 ° and choice with a range of + 30 ° to - 110 ° and spindles of 30,000 rpm and 42,000 rpm.

In addition, the range of inclination of the axis (b), with different options of spindles, makes it possible processes of machining with a negative angle. As well as with the standard power 15 kW spindle, a couple of Max. 130 Nm and 12,000 rpm speed rotational, and with the spindle of 18,000 rpm (also in design of SK 40), the mid-range inclination is 125 ° (+ 30 ° to - 95 °). Optionally, you can extend the angle of inclination of the axis (b) with different spindles. Therefore, Deckel Maho offers an option with 24,000 rpm spindle and a range of inclination of + 30 ° to - 120 ° and choice with a range of + 30 ° to - 110 ° and spindles of 30,000 rpm and 42,000 rpm.