Phoenix Contact, S.A. - Uninterruptible Power Supplies systems (UPS)


Uninterruptible electrical supply: even in networks with frequent microcortes

Picture of Uninterruptible electrical supply
QUINT DC-UPS is a system developed by Phoenix that ensures the feeding of 24 Vcc without interruptions inside the cupboard, even there where the network of frequent present feeding microcortes and failures of tension prolonged.

It treats of a system SAI creame by batteries that installed in combination with the source of feeding inside the cupboard, guarantees the reservation of tension of form prolonged even for high powers. The devices are available for 10, 20 and 40 To to 24 Vcc and, in function of the time of reservation that want to reach , can combine with batteries of 3,4 Ah, 7,2 Ah and 12 Ah.

For when the main origin of the failures of feeding are the microcortes (in general 80% of the failures last less than 0,2 s), is available a module buffer to base of electrolytic condensers that achieves puentear cuttings of until several second (in function of the power that have to supply). This system avoids the problem or allows to carry the installation to a situation of stop controlled in the case in which the cut was more prolonged.

The QUINT-Buffer is an economic and simple solution that no precise of any type of maintenance and installs easily in parallel with the load and the source of feeding adapting like this so much to new installations as already existent.