Bellota Herramientas, S.L.U. - Pruning shears


Tijera Of vintage: with greater resistance and rigidity

Picture of Tijera Of vintage
Acorn presents for the new campaign of interesting vintage improvements of product and attractor trucks promotions.

The innovations carried out of face to the campaign, are mainly the elongation of the espiga of the handle bimaterial to avoid breaks and the change of sense and recess of the screw/bulón of the reference 3525.

Like consequence of these improvements, have obtained important profits for the user:

Greater Greater

rigidity Greater

resistance length

Is range has besides, multiple applications:

Cleaning and prepoda so much in vineyard as in frutal.

Clareo In frutal.

Recolección In nurseries of horticulture: peppers, eggplants, etc.

Recolección of flower cut.

The scissors of vintage Acorn present in an attractor trucks box expositora that facilitates his presentation in the point of sale.