Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence - Coordinate measuring machines (three-dimensional)

DEA Global Classic

Systems of measurement: instrumented with several palpadores point ready

Picture of Systems of measurement
The systems of measurement by Global coordinates of DEA, commercialised/commercialized by Hexagon Metrology, S.A., are precise systems, reliable, of high productivity, with a good relation quality/price and a big flexibility for the operations.%Even symbol of the success of this line is the continuous technical evolution, with innovative sensors and of quality that ensure the necessary systems to guarantee the quality of the production.%Wing continuous digitalisation/digitalization and the inspection point ready, the conventional sensors and optical sensors without contact, the cabezales fixed and cabezales motorised/motorized rotatory, environments of production and of rooms of measurement, etc., are the technical options of the range of systems of Global modular measurement to resolve any type of application of metrology.?bles In three distinct models, the Global model Classic is a machine of economic and versatile measurement for the plant of modern production. Instrumented with several palpadores point ready, offers provision of high productivity and precision, a high operative reliability and low maintenance. It is the solution of moderate price for the applications of measurement more common and the system of ideal measurement for the dimensional verification of complex elements.%aTodos The models Classic, Performance and Advantage are instrumented with the structural thermal compensation CLIMATE that extends the field of temperature of 16 to 26 °C.