Suntec Maquinaria Técnica, S.L. - Machine-tooling tools


System of rectified-crossed: it combines the burnished with the rectified

Picture of System of rectified-crossed
The system of rectified-crossed of Sunnen, company represented by Suntec, S.L., it is the result of the combination of the quality of the burnished with a relatively elevated capacity of start with the rectified.

For the majority of the orifices generated in the industry of the metal, a finishing of mandrinado, escariado or rectified is sufficient to fulfil with the specifications of the pieces. There is, however, some applications where these tools are not sufficient to reach the form or the superficial finishing. In these cases the burnished constitutes the following operation to improve the quality of the orifico. Of here, the birth of the system of rectified-crossed.

The key for the obtaining of an orifice with straight axis comes given by a length of suitable tool. This length ensures that any high point is started first.

The redondez is generated by the rotation of the tool inside the orifice in which has freedom for autocentrarse. The movement of vaivén of the piece on a tool that expands of way controlled generates a cylindrical orifice of extreme quality.

The tools designed by the signature Sunnen for the rectified-crusader can expand in increases of 0,000025 mm. This makes possible pressesures of a chamber of thousandth in production.

The tool composes of a casquillo abrasive with a grooved helicoidal that makes possible that it makes possible the entrance of oil to the zone of cut as well as the desalojo fast of the shaving. The tools of rectified-crossed of Sunnen work with water for the majority of the ferric materials and with oil for soft metals.