Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Plastic mills / granulators

Mo-di-tec Goliath Plus MV

Small trituradores on foot of machine: the main novelty comes from of the new location in vertical position of the engine of the team

Picture of Small trituradores on foot of machine
With only 0,25 m2 of busy space in the floor, the fourth part of a pallet; the triturador Moditec Goliath Plus 1 MV of new generation, allows, with a mouth/camera of trituración of 228 x 172 mm; situate on foot of machine and recycle on line so much coladas like occasional defective pieces, of direct and practical form, totally silent and without degrading the material; thanks to the particular technology of Moditec of trituración to low rpm. And no only it does not occupy space a triturador so able; but the installed power of so only 1,5 kW; repercute in a remarkable energetic saving; 3 times underneath of conventional mills of high speed.

The main novelty comes from of the new location in vertical position of the engine of the team, that through a reductor to 90 º transmits the movement to low speed and high pair to the axis of trituración, where the blades of precorte and the toothed rollers, produce a triturado always regulate, exento of dust and no degraded, that allows even increase the percentage of material triturado with the virgin. The treatment of the components of the camera of trituración allow to work loaded abrasive materials, as PA+FV, without requiring maintenance neither adjust any during months of intensive work, since hardly it exists wear. The option IMD supposes also another advantage, since it treats of a detector of metals in the own camera of trituración, that detains the team in tenth of second in front of the presence of a metallic particle; avoiding no alone damage to the mill, but the pollution of the material, circuit of transport and failures and stopped of machine and mould. The system ABS of antibloqueo, likewise, allows to unblock the rotor of automatic form in front of one on load of material; and the reinicio automatic of the cycle of trituración once the rotor has contragirado to unblock . The peculiarity of the trituradores Moditec is that they can work to full hopper, stop and start still with the camera of trituración to full load and work with coladas and pieces of big thickness and material very hard. It exists a wide range of more than 20 different models, from trituradores of laboratory for microinjection, applications to pié of machine and big trituradores of until 750 x 850 mm of mouth, always with the same characteristics