Proto Labs, Ltd - Prototype design and construction service
Services of creation of prototypes: modelación And production
1. Creation of prototypes:
The processes of fast creation of prototypes like the estereolitografía (SLA), modelling by deposition melted (FDM) and selective sintering by laser (SLS) are adapted to check the form and the adjust, but can not substitute the proofs with real pieces moldeadas by injection. With Protomold, the customer can achieve pieces moldeadas by injection of form very fast, what allows him begin with the functional proofs before happening to the production.
2. Modelación:
When they still are missing three or four months so that the mould of production was smart, the pilot moulds offer an excellent option to do thrown of pieces for pilot production or for proofs of market. With Protomold, the pilot moulds are smart to be used without any cost or demora additional.
3. Production:
If the volume does not justify the manufacture of costly moulds of steel, Protomold can supply pieces of production that satisfy any need. The moulds of aluminium with several cavities can result very profitable and Protomold can guarantee the necessary tools for the project.