Yaskawa Ibérica, S.L.U. - Robots for pick and place

Motoman MPK2 / MPK50 / MPL

Robots for picking and packaging: for the packaging of a wide range of products

Picture of Robots for picking and packaging
The thefts for picking and packaging MPK2 / MPK50 / MPL of Yaskawa are easy to use and with the necessary flexibility for the packaging of a wide range of products.

In the phase of packaging, the automation robotizada increases the flexibility, the productivity and the reliability, since the robots for the packed fast and effective do not lose time in movements. The robots also increase the speed of the line, deleting put of monotone work for the personnel. Since the applications of packaging can vary a lot, these robots offer an easy programming.

In the phase of final of line, a system of paletizado robotizado help to increase the productivity, the flexibility and the profitability, and at the same time allows to reduce the human contact with heavy or dangerous products.

The robot MPK50 of high speed and 4 axles offers a performance and an upper reliability for applications of packaging and paletizado, between other applications of manipulation. The robot MPK50 characterises for having an useful load in the doll of 50 kg, a scope of 1.893 mm, with a rotation of 360° and is the best in movements and speed of the axles, inside his category. The stylized design of the manipulador allows him access to spaces reduced of work, improving the productivity of the system.

The robot for picking MPK2, of high speed and 5 axles provides an upper performance for applications of manipulation of foods, picking, packaging between other applications that require a high speed. The robot MPK2 characterises for having an useful load in the doll of 2 kg , a scope of 900 mm and a repetibilidad of ±0.5 mm. The compact and thin design of the arm of the robot allows him can work in spaces reduced.

The range of robots MOTOMAN MPL especially designed for applications of paletizado, characterise for having 4 or 5 axles controlled, an useful load of 80 until 800 kg of weight and a scope of 2061 until 3159 mm of radio.

His big acceleration and the high speed of his axles turn them into the ideal solution for the end of line.

The range of robots MOTOMAN DX has new and better robots for all type of applications and are controlled by the new system of control DX100 that presents the following characteristic: control multi robot patented (until 8 robots / 72axles; connections in the rear part of the unit of control to optimise the inner space; processing faster and high performance; reduction of the time of learning; it provides until 25% of saving of power; cónsola of programming with multi screen customizada, connection USB, screen colour LCD of 5,7” tactile and extension of instructions for programming of high level.