ISB Ibérica - Euro Bearings Spain, S.L. - Seals

TTO V-Rings

Retenes: for axles with movement of twist

Picture of Retenes
The V-Ring of TTO, that commercialises Euro Bearings Spain, S.L., it is a retain totally of rubber for axles with movement of twist. His flexible and conical lip exerts a pressesure on the contracara fixed, guaranteeing an estanqueidad dynamic frontal.

By his elastic nature, the surfaces of contact do not require of some specific values of rugosidad; between 0,8 and 1,6 microm are sufficient.

For applications of high speed and/or with special fluids these values have to diminish. For the axles does not require neither of any specific value of tolerance or rugosidad.

They can bear extreme temperatures from -30 until 100 °C for the made in NBR and until 200 °C for the made in FPM.

They characterise by his simple setting, the low friction and minimum loss of load and the nonexistence of wear of the axis. With the possibility of operation in dry to low speeds, also can use an alone measure for diverse diameters of axis.