Sandvik Coromant Ibérica, S.A. - Special inserts

CoroTurn TR

Plaquita For mechanised: his perpendicular slots prevent that they move

Picture of Plaquita For mechanised

The finishing and the turning semiacabado, especially the fimbriated with several operations of copied of entrance and exit, are especially sensitive to the phenomenon of the deviation of the edge of cut of the plaquita of his theoretical position or established during the mechanised.

CoroTurn TR, of Sandvik Coromant, avoids the movement of the plaquitas. Some perpendicular slots in the inferior part of the plaquitas that fit in shimmer coincident (riel in T) of the tool holders prevent any movement of the plaquita in his support when the strength of cut acts on the edge. CoroTurn TR Solves the problem of the deterioration of the precision, the unnecessary wear of the tool and the loss of productivity been due to the flexión of the edge of cut during the mechanised. Another favourable effect addition is the precise location of the plaquita in the tool holders, that influences positively in the angle of setting and in the need of compensation of the machine. The proofs of mechanised realised with plaquitas CoroTurn TR indicate that the system of location is very rigid and avoids the movement of the plaquita in any steering. The result is that they can keep tolerances very narrow of form more homogénea. The edge of cut of the plaquita no flexa from his original position preestablecida, in spite of the wear, by what offers some satisfactory dimensions during all the life of the tool. In some applications, achieves a life of the tool more than four upper times in comparison with the plaquitas with conventional subjection.

A lot of applications of half turning benefit of the absence of movement and of the precision of the indexing until ± 0,05 mm that provides CoroTurn TR.

The fimbriated with plaquitas on the dot (D and V) is another problem solved by CoroTurn TR since the plaquitas big used with frequency for operations of fimbriated suffer more movements by effect of the strength of cutting. Usually, the problems appear during the processes of copied internal and external, and when they mechanise pieces of forged or of smelting with distinct tolerances, hardness of the bark and route of the tool. In this system do not need coin of carbide cementado, on the contrary that in the conventional subjection, because without movement of the plaquita do not appear wear neither significant deformation in the support.

The plaquitas CoroTurn TR solve the problem in an increasing number of processes of turning in applications of steel and stainless steel. The technology of plaquitas provides, besides, new possibilities for modernizar processes of half turning or in finishing, as well as of fimbriated that are subject to limits each day more restrictivos and to pressesure of the competition. The development of CoroTurn TR is on line with the advances in machines multitarea, in which some flexible tools, with greater precision, allow a better use, contributing to a mechanised complete of the components ‘of once' in an alone configuration.