Fresmak, S.A. - Vises

Arnold Mat mecánica

Mordaza Mechanical: with regulator of power

Picture of Mordaza Mechanical
The mordaza Arnold mat mechanical, commercialised by Fresmak, S.A., has regulatory of power of high pressesure for machining centres.

It has of a husillo mechanical with regulator of power of high pressesure, that offers the possibility to regulate in steps the pressesure to use before beginning to work. The mordazas Arnold mat keep his constant length independently of the size of the piece and of the process of tie up and release, which does them especially ideal to be used in machining centres. With them they reach strengths of tie up of 4/5 tonnes without effort and with accionamiento manual.

His design monobloque and stable avoids the deformations and confers them a big robustness (basic body + fixed head monobloque). The top of the mordaza (mobile car) can be withdrawn in any position to clean the inferior part of rests of shavings.

All the mordazas are identified with a number of manufacture (all the real dimensions of the mordazas are documented in the plant of manufacture), which facilitates enormously the request of mordazas equal to other bought previously.

Can supply a set with a pair of smooth mouths, a manivela and four bridas.