Ferg, S.L. - Thread mills


Milling cutters of roscar: of integral hard metal

Picture of Milling cutters of roscar
Ferg Has developed a range of milling cutters of roscar in integral hard metal that serve for the threaded of different diameters with the same step: GSF.

Another range of milling cutters is the: GSFM that corresponds to the milling cutters of roscar that realise the threaded and chaflanado of the threads.

The milling cutters of roscar: GSF and GSFM of hard metal of Ferg are usable in the majority of the materials:

grey smelting, grey smelting aleada, brasses and bronzes of short shaving, aluminium and alloys of aluminium, steels little aleados, steels aleados of until 1.400 N/mm2, stainless steels and alloys of titanium.

The employment of the milling cutters of roscar offers the following advantages:

- reduction of the times of manufacturing and threaded, and of the warehouse of tools.

- Reduction of the times of changes of tools, an alone strawberry allows the realisation of distinct diameters of thread.

- Reduction of costs in the threaded of pieces with long threads.

- Ease for the threaded of threads in all his length and to the end of the thread.

- An alone strawberry employs for holes pasantes and blind.

- It allows the realisation of threads dimensionalmente precise and with a big superficial finishing.

- Perfect concentricidad between the inner diameter and the external diameter of the thread.

- An alone tool allows us realise different tolerances and adjust the measures with precision.

- They exert a low pressesure of cut, by what facilitate the threaded of pieces of thin walls.

- They produce small shavings, what facilitates his extraction equipment equipment and minimises the possibility of breaks.

- Can employ in works of mechanised in dry.

Ferg Has of different types of milling cutters of roscar of distinct sizes.