Ferg, S.L. - Thread milling taps


Males of roscar: they are adapted for the threaded by laminación

Picture of Males of roscar
The males for the threaded by laminación of Ferg are an alternative to the threaded conventional. His materials have an upper elasticity to 11%.

With these males of roscar of the mark Ferg improves in ease of use, since an only male is useful for blind holes and pasantes. This increases the utility of the males because with an only type will be able to realise more functions.

Also they find improvements in the ecology, since it does not have shaving and produce a lower consumption of refrigerante. At the same time it increases the performance of the males, since they install with greater speed and have fewer breaks. Finally it has of a dimensional guarantee, by what can obtain threads to measure and more resistant. Ferg Has all a range of measures and available coatings.