Ferg, S.L. - Thread milling taps

Ferg A-648, A-641, A-642, A-645,

Males for the threaded: of steels treated

Picture of Males for the threaded
Ferg Has developed a wide range of males for the threaded manually and to machine of steels toughened.

The references To-648, To-641, To-642, To-645, allow them offer solutions for the difficult threaded of the steels treated until the 1300 N/mm2.

In this range of males the fast steel, the geometry of cut, the destalonado and the coating have been especially selected, designed and manufactured for this type of materials.

These males allow to give solution to the needs of threaded of the manufacturers of moulds and matrices, manufacturers of machinery for the construction, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing components, wind components and manufacturers of surgical medical material.

The company has of a wide range of measures, M, NPT, RC and, under demand, realise all type of tools, designs and solutions for our customers.