DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U. - CNC machining centres

DMG DMC 80 / 125 / 160 FD duoBLOCK

Machining centres multifunción: to mill and tornear with an alone subjection until 5 axles

Picture of Machining centres multifunción

Two technologies combined in an alone concept of machine: the series DMC FD of DMG combines the technology of milling and turning in an alone machine on the base of a centre of milling universal, by means of the extension of the table of milling in turning of high power with technology DirectDrive and maximum revolutions of 800 rpm.

With the utilisation of the Direct Drive Spindle (DDS), integrated cheese cheese engine, achieves a pair of maximum twist of 5.600 Nm, what allows to llevar a wide range of mechanised of milling and turning of big and bulky pieces. The maximum revolutions of 800 rpm (DMC 80 FD) allow to realise the most diverse mechanised. The cambiador of palés manipulates pieces of maximum 2.500 kg (DMC 160 FD) of fast and effective way, and mechanises entirely in an alone subjection. Like this they reduce the dead times and increases notably the precision. Thanks to the electrical system that Deckel Maho uses in the balanced of the table, can detect the disequilibrium of the piece situated in the table by means of the axis And in such a way that when the table turns produces a vibration in said axis and informs exactly in which point and with which mass is descentrada the piece, what allows to proceed to the balanced automatic of the piece in a short period of time.

The system of blockade of the cabezal in the utilisation like cabezal of turning is mechanical, besides, when it blocks , exists the possibility to choose the degree of orientation of the tool by means of a crown Hirth inside a margin of 2 degrees. As it is a machine of 5 axles, is possible to use the axis B for tornear profiles.

The machines are thought so that the work realised by the operator was the most comfortable possible, therefore they are designed of wide and open form, where the access to the area of work is a lot greater and simple. The signpost of control is situated so that the operator can work horizontally, achieving like this a greater ergonomics.

Main characteristic of the series FD:

- Accionamientos with technology DirectDrive

- Revolutions máx.: 800 rpm,

- Power máx.: 42 kW,

- Pair of twist máx.: 5.600 Nm,

- Capacity of load of the table máx.: 2.500 kg.

- Package of production:

*tank of refrigerante of 600 or 980 l,

*inner refrigeration 40 bar through the interior of the husillo,

*conveyor of shavings and window Rotoclear, HSK-To100 (HSK-To63 in DMC 80 FD)

- Cabezal of milling orientable like axis B, controlled to CN, (revolutions of máx. 30 rpm) for the mechanised in 5 faces and the milling simultaneous in 5 axles

- Warehouse of chain for 60 tools (warehouse of shelving in the DMC 160 FD)

- Fast cambiador of pallets giratorio with 2 palés for the simultaneous manufacturing to the main time

- optional hydraulics Subjection for the milling and turning (DMC 80 / 125 FD)

- Dish of tie up hydraulics of 3 harps (DMC 80 / 125 FD) for a precise and effective subjection (in the inner and external part),

- Pressesure of programmable subjection with the maximum hygiene by means of direct control

- Axis B (DMC 160 FD) with husillo of big pair, 8.000 rpm and 1.100 Nm -Measurement of tools in the area of mechanised for tools of milling and turning

- rotary presses Warehouse RS4: 6 palés in total