Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L. - 3D optical measuring systems and laser scanning

Zeiss O-Inspect 322

Machine of measurement multisensor: it combines the technology of optical measurement and of contact in an alone system

Picture of Machine of measurement multisensor
The machine of measurement Zeiss Or-Inspect combines the technology of optical measurement and of contact in an alone system, what allows him cover a wide range of pieces and offers complete options of analysis. In place of several special equipment, the only that needs is a Zeiss Or-Inspect.

Zeiss Or-Inspect is available in the configurations 322 and 442. The optical sensors and of contact of both models are the most advanced in technology of measurement. What does them so special in his class is the fact that they can realizar measurements 3D reliable with the sensor of scanned VAST XXT installed. The machines of measurement Zeiss Or-Inspect have designed for his employment in the areas of production. They offer resulted of reliable measurement in a wide range of temperatures.