Comercial de Transmisiones, S.A. (COTRANSA) - Linear motors and actuators


Linear units: with structure in profile of aluminium of precision

Picture of Linear units
Cotransa Commercialises a wide range of linear units to resolve the movement of loads in one or more axles; with careers until 6.000 mm,speeds until 5 m/s, accelerations until 50 m/s2 and precision of maximum positioning of 0,05 mm.

With structure in profile of aluminium of precision, of particular design, that allows to protect the internal elements against external agents, endowing him of a robust structure and that does not require maintenance. It integrates transmission by toothed belt, silent and without need of maintenance and traslación by guide of recirculation of balls or by bar of steel rectified and threads of Gothic arch.

Designed for the setting so much of reductores epicycloidal of precision and sinfín, as of motors of alternating current and continuous current and brushless.