Neurtek, S.L. - Specific measurement equipment for construction, public works and agriculture

Instruments for control of quality: in civil work, pavings and signaling

Picture of Instruments for control of quality
Neurtek Has a wide range of instruments for the control of quality in civil work, pavings or signalings to fulfil with the specifications of the PG-3 (fold of general prescriptions for works of roads and bridges) and the ones of marked CE or the CTE (Technical Code of the Edificación), what allows to look after the hygiene vial.

The retrorreflectómetros vertical Retrosign GR1 and GR3 of Delta allow to determine with big precision if the material of revestimiento with microprismas of a signal of traffic has been applied properly and fulfils with the requirements of the Norms JOINS IN 12899 and JOINS 135340, between others. With an only white pattern of calibración, ensures the precise reading of all the colours and of the 3 levels retrorreflectantes of the signals. These systems have of adapters of angle of entrance of 30° and 40° that expand to a large extent the angles of analysis.

Following the criteria of the Norm JOINS IN 12899, the GR1 is ideal for conservation and the GR3 is ideal for homologation and conservation, as well as for the signals of level 3 as it JOINS 135340.

The retrorreflectómetros Delta are recognised and are used by 3M. Delta is accredited to issue certified ISO-17025 of the retrorreflectómetros, and Neurtek has of other equipment to control other parameters, like factor of luminance, shine, aging, etc.

The retrorreflectómetros in continuous LTL-M mobiles improve in many respects the current systems: adaptable to any vehicle, compensate the cabeceo of the vehicle, measure RL in dry and humid and the marks until a profile of 15 mm, and his results are comparable to the ones of the retros portable. Besides they have a low cost of maintenance.

The spectrophotometer colorimeter Miniscan EZ fulfils with the norms JOINS 1436, Fold PG3, JOINS IN 135340 and JOINS IN 135350.

The factor of luminance ß and the chromatic coordinates xy determine the clarity and the tone of colour of a sample, in this case marks viales and vertical signals.

Between his characteristics stand out: geometry 45/0°, iluminante D65, observant 2º, opening of measure 5 cm2 (Æ 25 mm). Laptop, ergonomic with central control for use with a hand, memories and options of software for step and treatment of data.