Yaskawa Ibérica, S.L.U. - Articulated robots

Motoman MS_ES_VS

Industrial robots: they facilitate the load and download

Picture of Industrial robots
The series MS, IS and VS cover a wide range of robots, from the 50 until the 280 kg of load that are ideal for distinct applications inside the industry metalmecánica , where in a lot of occasions requires a big capacity of load in the doll.

The robots are excellent for the load and download of machines of moldeo by injection,  milling machines CNC, lathes, for the manipulation of sheet during operations of folded, etc. The robot works continuously and without the need that the operario realise the load-download of pieces often heavy and bulky.

The robot Model MS80 characterises for having 6 axles controlled, bearing a maximum load in the doll of 80 kg, with a repetibilidad of ±0.07 mm and a scope of 2.061 mm.

The models IS165D/IS200D and IS280D-230 of 6 axles controlled bear a maximum load in the doll of 165 kg, 200 kg and 230 kg respectively with a repetibilidad of ±0.02 mm and a scope of 2.651 mm. The model IS280D of 6 axles, bears a maximum load in the doll of 280 kg, with a repetibilidad of ±0.02 mm and a scope of 2.446 mm.

The greater innovation contributes it the model VS50 with his 7 degrees of freedom, that increase drastically the freedom of movement of the robot, being able to adopt the optimum posture at all times for a maximum load in the doll of 50 kg, a repetibilidad of ±0.1 mm and a scope of 1630 mm.

The range of robots MOTOMAN DX are controlled by the system of control DX100 that presents the following characteristic:

Control multi robot patented (until 8 robots / 72axles)

Connections in the rear part of the unit of control to optimise the inner space

Processing faster and high performance

Reduction of the time of learning

Provides until 25% of saving of power

Console of programming with multi screen customizada, connection USB, screen colour LCD of 5,7” tactile and extension of instructions for programming of high level.