Epiroc, S.L.U. - Hydraulic hammers

Epiroc COP 3038

Hydraulics hammer: with a power of impact of 30 kW

Picture of Hydraulics hammer
The hydraulics hammer COP 3038 of High Copco develops a power of until 30 kW.?do To answer to the high exigencias of the highly competitive market. In proofs of laboratory realised in two types of rocks; Swedish granite and limestone, the COP 3038 has obtained a speed of perforación upper in 50%, to the obtained in the same conditions, with a COP 1838ME.?l COP 3038 it has designed thinking in the new generation of jumbos L2C and L3C and foresees that the equipment that go out of factory from July of 2004 go instrumented with the COP 3038.