Técnicas Aragonesas Salazar, S.A. (TECARSA) - Stone working machinery

Amob PP220T DM /MI

Hydraulics cutting cutting shears: with a capacity of 220 t

Picture of Hydraulics cutting cutting shears
The cutting cutting shears of Amob, commercialised by Aragonese Technicians Salzar, is instrumented with double hydraulics system that acciona the upper and inferior blade. This system confers to schemes it capacities of remarkable cutting, remaining the surface with a lot of perfection.

The model PP220T DM /MY with a capacity of 220 t and a power of engine of 10 CV weighs 8.000 kg. The tank of oil has a capacity of 350 l.

The cutting cutting shears is instrumented with 23/27 blades, with a minimum distance between the same of 20 mm. The length of cut is of 1196/1404 mm with a height of the same of 500/550 mm.