Arburg, S.A. - Injection moulding machines for universal use (thermoplastic)

Arburg Allrounder hidráulicas

Hydraulic injector: with forces of between 125 kN and 5,000 kN

Picture of Hydraulic injector
The hydraulic Allrounder are most versatile Arburg injection machines. They are distinguished not only by its great variety of sizes, also by different peripherals that can be comfortably integrated into the Selogica piloting. The offer ranges from series Golden Edition to the Allrounder S that can be configured individually thanks to its modularity.-Allrounder Golden Edition: introduction with an interesting relationship model price-rendimiento.iferentes levels and sizes both electric and hydraulic - Allrounder Golden Edition: model's introduction with an interesting price-performance ratio.

-Allrounder s numerous options of equipment for an exact adaptation to the process of injection and energy consumption.-More efficiency: productivity (Golden Edition) package and the package of "advance" equipment with electromechanical dosage (Allrounder S).tividad (Golden Edition) and "advance" equipment with electromechanical dosage (Allrounder S) package.

-Saving energy Arburg (AES) system: up to 20% savings in energy consumption.

-Numerous applications: a flexible and universal fit through specific equipment packages as for example for the transformation of silicone.